#1015 - Disappointed in myself

randomlayout / my designs




Yesterday I took my placement test and totally nailed it. I passed with flying colors and I knew it as soon as I saw the questions. One of the question even read: "Co is ____" (cobalt). It was ridiculously easy and I'm not sure why I was worried. I was supposed to go to Jon's, but he woke up kinda late and my mom dragged me into eating yakiniku with her and grandma. Then when I got home, I got to say hi to Jesse, which was nice. I miss him like crazy. It's been so long since I talked to him.

Anyway, after that Jon came and we headed up... except we got lost somewhere in LA... and then finally we arrived late in the afternoon at this school, where he works. It was weird, looking after kids. I started getting into it after awhile I guess. After work, it was 6:20pm or so and then Jon treated me to burgers at this place called Tommy's. It's really good. I know a Tommy's very close to my house so I will be going there now, every now and then.

After food, we arrived at his house and while we were waiting for the computer, Jon told me to play some stuff on the piano. Oh boy, I sucked so much, it was disgraceful. I haven't seriously played the piano in months. My fingers were rusty and my sight reading sucked. It made me feel... really disappointed in myself.

After that we went on the computer, and I helped him out with trig, but it was more like me taking the test for him. I was happy to see that I got an 80% even though I was angry at one of the questions I got wrong. Actually, I wasn't happy with the 80%, but Jon seemed pretty happy... but I can't blame him because he's getting like a 40% right now. I should've gotten that A.

After that we went to Rick's to play some melee. Andrew played with us for a bit, but then he got all pissy because Rick and Jon teamed up on him. He got pissed, killed himself twice and left the room. I was happy that I scored a first place with Marth, with an extra life to spare. I dunno if I'm getting worse or better... who knows.

Anyway, after talking to Jon in the car... Well, Jon mentioned that he wrote a story that was about 100 something pages and it just got me so... I don't know. I'm so disappointed in myself. I never finish the stories I wrote. I never finish anything. I'm disappointed about piano, and about the stories. I'm just too addicted to the computer and it just has to stop because it's really making me feel like such a failure. I know I can be better than this so I have to go for it.

So that means less time on the computer (unless I'm writing the stories) and less time on diaryland. And you know, this is a good thing, because ever since I've come back on diaryland, I've been obsessed with trying to get more people to read my diary. I always feel like it's some kinda popularity contest. Well no more, I'm going to go back to not caring. I'll update whenever I have something to say, and not everyday just so people would come to my diary.

Good day.



