#1021 - Damn Jon

randomlayout / my designs




It seems that all these months that I've been away from paying attention around diaryland has left me out of the loop. Nobody applies for reviews anymore and nobody is reviewing... but that's impossible right? Was reviewing just a fad? A trend that has gone and passed? Review sites used to had to go on a hiatus because of the number of people that requested, now it seems like the reviewers are actually looking for diaries to review. I mean, Sommer and I haven't gotten any more review requests... Is reviewing really over? Or have I just not found the right group of people?

...which brings me to the fact that listings are dead as well. Not a single one of them out there really exist... with the exception of a few. The new ones that just came out, nobody really knows about them... kind of like my listing. Nobody really knows it exist and it doesn't seem like people care about being listed anymore either because people don't go to listings. Where do people go now to find anything?! It's so damn frustrating I tell you.

Besides that, yesterday I tried to help Jon out with his trig final. Oh... Jon is also someone I met at AX. We didn't get to hang out very much, but I've been seeing and talking to Jon more now. Anyway, I was supposed to go to his house yesterday, but after work, I got tired and lazy... it's because he lives all the way up in Burbank (yes, I met him through Rick as well). Anyway, he tells me later that we can do it online so I tried... but I ended up with a 50% for his final. It was hard cause there was only 2 hours and he had to type out all the questions on AIM... and he doesn't type very fast... Another thing was, I forgot some of this stuff... I couldn't understand why he made me take this now instead of waiting for the next day. And then he tells me that it was due that day. Oh my god, way to go Jon. If I had known that, I would've gone over there then.

But you know what's stupid is... it ended up being late anyway because we turned it in at around 11pm and it was central time, so it was already past 12am in central time and therefore past Sunday or Aug 28. We should've just waited till today... but oh well because Jon's not picking up his phone. We were supposed to hang out today in the morning and play melee. He told me to call him at 9am but I barely woke up then. I called him around 10:30, but he didn't answer. Now it's about an hour later... Goddamnit stupid Jon! Well, he should be awake soon, I just don't know if I should still go over there cause he has work at around 2pm... and it takes about 30 minutes for me to get to Burbank (without traffic...).

Anyway, it looks as though Jon has to retake this trig class. I'll try to help him out with the whole thing this time... try to get him an A. Well, I guess I'll stay home today and do nothing...

Good day.



