#1034 - Missed midterm

randomlayout / my designs




A lot has happened since I last wrote in here... and I mean a lot. It has been nearly two weeks so I guess that's not too surprising. The only reason I turned to here today was because it felt weird if I wrote in any other place about this.

I decided to skip class today because I did not feel well. I have gotten a cold over the weekend and I really didn't feel like getting up to go to class. I still feel quite dizzy right now but now I'm screwed. It turns out there was a midterm today for math. I know, I'm so good at this, aren't I? I feel like screaming at myself... why was I so stupid? Why did I skip my class? I should've just gone... but I was just so tired... the cold was really wearing me out and all I really want to do right now is go back to bed and not do anything. I hate this stupid cold of mine...

Unfortunately I can't do anything about my midterm right now. I emailed the teacher and I even tried to call him but he didn't pick up. I couldn't leave a voice mail cause it just kept ringing... no voice mail box to leave it in. Now I can only wait till 1:30pm when he has office hours. I should do my English homework instead of just doing something else, but I can't focus on it when all I can think about is my missed midterm. It's 20% of my grade. Fucking shit. Please, whoever's looking out for me... if anyone, please have a heart and let me take this test.

*Sigh* My troat hurts and I really should just go eat... but I'm not so hungry...

I hate life.



