#1038 - Ironic like that

randomlayout / my designs




I've finally gotten into a better mood for the past few days and then Mick ruined it. It wasn't anything bad, but for some reason it bothered me. He was just being mean in a joking way, and then he called me, indirectly, a fag for playing gunbound. It's all supposed to be a joke, I know, but it upset me for some reason. Weird how something like that can bring me down.

This reminds me of something that happened at AX when Mick called up Rick and joked that he got arrested and Rick was irritated because he doesn't like jokes like that. It's kinda like that except what he said didn't really hurt anyone, or I mean, it wasn't supposed to.

I've been thinking a lot about Jeff lately and I know I shouldn't. It's been 4 years? Maybe 5. Somehow I keep going back to him though. I mean, it's not like it's soley him but every once in awhile, it's still him. It's kinda scary though because if I get out of a relationship that doesn't work out, I have this hope left that Jeff and I might work out, but that's so much dependency. What if it doesn't work out? or What if he finds someone else? Then what? It's like I have so much bulit on it now that if it's not true, it's going to be a big blow. That's why I felt a little of my faith falter and a little of my hope die when I read this:

I like YoYo, and i think she likes me..well, she kissed me at the end of the date, but right after that, she went all odd and said she wasn't sure about relationships and blah [for a few reasons]. I'm still confused to be honest. Anyhoo, i hope that we can just take things kinda slow and maybe she'll be less afraid of the word 'relationship'. At least, there will be a third date in the next week, which i'm happy about, though i'm not exactly sure what to do.

The only other thought that came into my head was that I was so glad that I didn't tell him that I wanted to visit him in winter break. As always, the timing is always wrong. I love him and I know he loves me and he holds a part of me... but maybe I'm hoping for the miracle that he was hoping for a few years ago. Life is ironic like that.



