#1045 - Rakion, Jesse, and Sky

randomlayout / my designs




I'm feeling rather depressed today actually because well... long story short: I don't want to see Jesse on Monday and my brother invited him over. How did this happen? Well that's the long story and you can read about it in the following paragraphs:

My brother has been bugging me for some time to download this game called Rakion. It's from the same company that made Gunbound but the game Rakion has totally different graphics and looks way less cool than Gunbound so I don't want him to download it. Well, it turns out that our computers can't support it or something anyway so it can't be downloaded. So whatever. Then he found out a few days ago that it seems that I can download Rakion on this laptop. So, I told him that he can't download this Rakion crap on my computer and he started whining and complaining to me about how I never do things for him, I'm not nice to him, so on and so forth.

So he decided to IM Jesse to get his opinion so that perhaps he'll change my mind or something, who knows... (he doesn't know Jesse and I aren't so close anymore) And then, a few hours ago, he started crying. At first, I thought he was faking it, but then it was real. I asked him why he was crying and he said it was because I'm mean and won't let him download Rakion. Finally, I realized that I had to give in because if my mom saw him crying, then she would start yelling at me. She's usually on his side unless it's some really absurd thing.

If that wasn't enough... he IMed Jesse anyway and he says that he wants Jesse to come over so they can play smash brothers. What a painful day. I have to download a crap game tomorrow, and Jesse's coming over. Why does this bother me, you ask? I just don't want to see Jesse, simple as that. All I can seem to remember is that he liked me and in my response to that, how I don't like him and I get creeped out and I don't want to see him. Maybe I won't have to, I'll be housesitting for Mrs. Royer again starting tomorrow night till Friday. Maybe I won't have to come home Monday (he's scheduled to come Monday). I really just don't want to see him.

"Chapter One" by Lifehouse has come on, and I feel a little bit better and calmer. This song is inspiring to me. Today, that boy I was telling you about yesterday called me, the boy I met on Gunbound who's exactly like me. He's name is Sky, or at least that's what everyone calls him. Anyway, I talked to him briefly about... I don't know... stuff. And now that I've talked to him, I feel uncomfortable. I hate talking on the phone in the first place, and the fact that it was with someone I barely knew... there were awkward silences that definitely need to be filled left and right. I dunno if he saw it... but I did... but who knows, I've always read into things more than normal people. I have finally woken up from my "dream" I guess and as always, I don't like the guy anymore. I dunno when I'm going to stop doing this... but I wish it would be soon. I guess though, this is easier to resolve. He lives far away and doesn't know my address (however, he knows my phone number...), but the good part about all of this is, I never at one point really said that I liked him or was hoping that we'd be together. I guess I did lead him on here and there, but I flirt with a lot of the guys on Gunbound. Maybe I just need to flirt with some of the other guys while I'm playing with him... Maybe then he won't take me so seriously...

I feel better now that I've found two solutions to my problems. Oh yeah and Monday, I'm going to hang out with my friends so I can't be with Jesse. Wonderful. Great. Yay. I'm evil, but I'm emotion dominated; it can't be helped.

As for Rakion, now that I feel better I guess it won't be so bad downloading it... Scratch that, it's very bad, but oh well. What can I do now about that?



