#1069 - Scott

randomlayout / my designs




I had a dream last night about meeting this guy named Eric and I thought he was kind of cute and then I later saw his older brother Scott. Eric gave me his phone number and said for me to call him. I didn't think too much of it at the time because I think I was already starting to like Scott better, but the thing is, I had Gil.

Although Gil didn't play a big role in this dream, I knew I had him and what he meant to me... but I ended up seeing Scott and Eric at the movies. They were there coincidentally with two friends named Nick and Joseph. I don't know why I remember all of their names... but anyway, me and Scott were flirting the whole time and I kinda wanted him to kiss me.

When I woke up I wasn't sure of how to take this dream. I felt like I was cheating on Gil so much. I mean, it was just a dream, maybe but don't dreams mean something on some level? You know, half the time I forget that I even have a boyfriend. I guess it's because he's not here with me as I wish he could be. Maybe it'll be different in September. I really hope so. I hate this feeling.



