#1083 - Happier with Paul

randomlayout / my designs




Wow. I haven't written in quite awhile. I swear for a little while, I had quite gotten into the swing of things. Guess I've just been too busy lately. My cold's pretty much vanished now, which is good.

For the past 3 weekends I believe (I've lost count), I've been sleeping over at Paul's (who's my boyfriend now). I have been happier lately than I can ever remember... okay, actually yeah, I have been happier before, but I mean, considering what's been going on the past year, I haven't been this happy in awhile.

I've even totally forgotten about Jeff. Funny how that is... that for a little while... actually, this whole time... this past year or something I've always thought... maybe we could get back together, but I totally don't care for the possibility of getting back together with Jeff anymore because I'm too caught up in Paul... but sometimes I wonder if this is such a good thing. It's getting to be a serious relationship... and sometimes Paul gets on my nerves and we're so different... I don't know.

I still think I'm happier than I have been in a long time... and because of that, I find it hard to want to leave Paul.

The only thing that's been bringing me down lately is that I haven't told Gil about Paul and I feel so guilty. Gil and I are totally drifting and I can't really say that it bothers me all that much. I'm just a big wuss. Whatever.



