#1088 - Changing majors?

randomlayout / my designs




It's been awhile since I wrote here and I hate school just as much as I did when I last wrote that entry. It seems to me that I don't think school would ever get better. I'm thinking about changing my major, but I don't think my mom would be happy with that. She'd want to know what I would wanna do with my life with the new major and how much longer I would have to be in school.

I know I should talk to her, but I don't kow that I can say it. I'm scared... of her judgement and... yeah. I turned 20 a few weeks ago (I still can't believe it) and I'm supposed to be an adult now, but I hardly feel like one.

I was thinking of changing it to some business major thing. There's a girl in my Chinese class named Helen. She's an international studies major and I was thinking about changing it to that... I'm not sure anymore. All I know is that I really think I should change my major... but I just feel like that if I do, my whole plan will be ruined. I was supposed to get my chemistry degree, then go to creditial school and then I was going to teach... but now, I don't know. If I change my major, I feel like it will change everything... I really don't know what I want anymore...



