#152 - Umm... yeah

randomlayout / my designs




Well, if we must start off with today, I think I had another dream of Chris, though that wasn't the first thing that came to my head, but I suppose because Chris popped up, I asked myself "why am I alive again?" and for a brief moment, I was scared that I was going to be led to unhappiness... well, I was scared for awhile...

I got to school on time because I got up at 7:15. Tomorrow is late day so um yeah... I'll get more sleep... I'll probably take an afternoon nap tomorrow, because I need it badly and I think I deserve one, no? Well during first period, I felt like just lying there and being like... blah. I did my math homework in that class, so I tried to sleep the rest of the class, but it didn't work too well... then I woke up after 2nd period, mostly cause it was kinda interesting I guess... I was awake by 3rd period and Andre taught me how to say you're gonna be late in Spanish. I don't know how to write it, but I'm sure it's along the lines of "vas a esta a la tarrde" something like that... Yes, the useless stuff I learn...

It kinda sucked though cause I was falling asleep during chemistry... but oh well, what can you do? Then I guess you could say a funny thing, but annoying too. It was during marching band (7th period) and we were all slumped and tired and shit and had no motivation. So Mr. Allen said, "I think you need some motivation" and some people were like "yeah!" and Mr. Allen said "go take a lap... and take 2 if you're gonna walk"... so I walked... along with about 10 other people, then, he got mad at us and said "go take another lap" then after that he said "why don't you just walk the whole time!?" then after that one, he got us together and said "what do you have to say for youself?" and I was thinking, "well... you said we could walk 2 times around the track"... but I didn't say anything. Then he mentioned something about how we are supposed to be leaders then he said "go back to the band room," so we did. Oh yeah, my brother brought me boba before this happened. So I was walking the lap with boba in my hand drinking away... haha... and oh yeah! I saw Tawny today. She cut her hair, and she has funny looking contacts, cause the outter part is blue and the inside is brown... it was cool though... but yeah... she hasn't changed much.

My mom picked me up at 5, though it ended at like 4:15 or so. Anthony was trying to teach me how to roll my tongue. I got it once, but then I lost it, I'm going to ask Andre to teach me how tomorrow. That is if I don't forget. Then I came back to school and showed my mom where my classes were, cause I wasn't gonna be around to tell her then cause I was in the stadium practicing.

I swear marching band is sooo annoying. I hate it when Ricky's like "line up with us" and I'm like "how can I line up to you guys when the snares aren't? The line's not straight!! THERE IS NO FUCKING LINE!!" I swear, it's fucking shit. magricon...!! (I don't think that's spelled right. Oh well...)

So my mom tells me a little about back to school night, apparently Mr. Allen introduced my mom to Chris's mom, I think that's funny cause Mr. Allen knows that I'm not with Chris anymore. My mom said that Mr. Allen specifically went "this is Chris's mom... and this is Anna's mom." I thought that was kinda funny. Another thing I found weird was that Chris wasn't even at school today, I didn't realize this until I saw Anthony walking to 5th period by himself. Well anyway, My mom likes my math teacher. I find that weird, cause I don't like Mr. Gordon that much. He's so boring. She liked Mr. Moreau, which didn't surprise me much. She said Ms. Royer was okay, and she didn't say much about Mr. Allen, I never really got an opinion outta her about that... though she gave me the opinion, I didn't really ask for it, ya know?

I drove home! It's getting easier each time. I haven't gone on the freeway yet, but I don't know. Well, whenever I guess...

I got wind chimes in my room now! Now how many people can say they have one in their room?! HA! None, that's what! Man... I'm so stupid... whatever. Um... practice went okay, I guess, couldn't really cooperate really well, I know for sure that we need work, but even with this extra hour after school, it's not gonna do much cause we still goof around, I mean, even with John around, we do. I'm not saying I don't cause I do... but I'm just pointing that out I guess...

This is one exhausting week, I'm going to try and refrain myself from writing in here tomorrow or something cause I barely have the time, I don't even have the time right now, I just cut off time from sleep to write to you! Grrrr...

You know, when my brother brought me that boba, it was weird because a lot of the people in the band was like, aww!! How cute! And I don't know... it just felt weird... so umm... yeah...

Not enough sleep these days, so I'm going to try and get some. The thing is, it's annoying, needing so much sleep. I wish I was one of the lucky people that could live off of 3 hours of sleep every day or something like that. I need like 8 hours daily... otherwise I start falling asleep in classes. Well, tomorrow is late day... so yay for late days! You can probably expect an entry tomorrow... Oh yea, the game against Cerritos is this Friday... we don't have to wear our uniforms! And we get to get outta class! Woohoo! Ok... so see ya I guess.. "je yakusoku to shai minyana" Haha. Trying to mix up the languages I know, I'm sure I spelled most of it wrong, but maybe you'll figure it out... I'll tell you what it means tomorrow if you don't get it... see ya!




