#153 - Peeved...

randomlayout / my designs




Today was okay I guess, since the temperature went down, I actually didn't mind marching band, I was actually kinda looking forward to it, it being sitting there in chemistry class.

Speaking of chem, I got too much homework!! Dammit... all I had was English vocabulary cards and chem homework, but I'm still not done, the vocabulary took me over an hour... mostly due to me talking to other people and the fact that it was so hard to find these goddamn synonyms.

I'm so tired of homework!! I wanted to take a nap today, well, I guess I did, for like about one hour or so. I'm still tired I guess.

Well yes, the inevitable happened, I kinda miss Chris. Not in the way it used to be, but I miss like being friends with him... like talking, but I'd rather not even go there, cause if I go there, I don't want to go where it leads and I might not be able to say no.

I'm so annoyed by this stupid homework tough!! Arrggg... Oh yeah, I'm going to serve my stupid detention tomorrow... I saw Gus today, in Chris's mom's car when she drove over here. I waved to him, I wonder if he waved back, cause I didn't see him. Come to think of it, I wonder if he even saw me... hmm... oh well...

I need a ride to school for Friday... otherwise I have to walk to school... grr... I'm so annoyed... dammit!! This is turning out to be a bad week... I hope it will be better by Friday, got that game at Cerritos Friday. I've been thinking a lot about it... I wonder if I'll see Denysia. I got a vocabulary quiz tomorrow, I get the feeling I'm going to fail... arg. Well, I'll see ya later I guess.




