#154 - Blast from the past

randomlayout / my designs




Wow! Lots of junk to tell you today Prue... well the most recent thing that just happened was that I read Chris's email from back last week on Monday, which said, "don't send me mail, I don't like that shit" (mail=chain letters). I mean, we weren't broken up then, but even back then, when we were together he was such an ass, he treated me better when we weren't together! It's funny that Chris treated me so much better then... but whatever... yeah, I still miss him, but I don't know...

Well, yes, I served that stupid detention today... ehh... it was really fast. In fact, I was gonna do my math homework, but I barely did 3 problems... but I guess that's cause math is hard. Oh well, whatever... today was boring I guess... I was gonna get pizza today, but not now... we're gonna get it tomorrow during 4th period. Tomorrow's going to be great!

Well, I got that ride from Angela/Sophia (Reyes) but then my mom said that I don't need a ride from them anymore cause she'll be home, but I can't take it back because I don't know their phone number! Oh well, I guess I'll just get that ride from her anyway... unless someone finds me her screenname. So anyway. Period 1, 2, and 3 will be boring and normal and possibly hard. However, it gets better by snack, because during 4ht period, I get pizza (from Mr. Allen)! I love it when he spoils us! 'Cause I know he loves us (4th period) best! Teehee... then during 5th period I don't have to go to history, though I really don't mind that class, but oh well, but I'm missing 5th because we got that rally! And then that rally will be fun... we'll be wearing that rally shirt... yay! The rally should be fun... that's all I meant... and 6th period, we got that quiz... yeah... and then I get to stay there at school... yay! Hehehe... then we go to Cerritos for that game... wow... tomorrow will be such a day! Yippie dee!

My brother's back to school night was tonight and I went, I saw my 6th grade teachers, my main one, Mrs. Delarosa, and my other 2 teachers, Ms. Ballard and Ms. Barron. I didn't really get to talk to Mrs. Del, but she did tell me her son's now 3-years-old and she has a 3rd daughter now! She's a few months old and she said that she's not gonna have any more kids. Ms. ballard and Ms. Barron both teach 3rd grade now! And Ms. Barron teaches a 3rd/4h grade class... just wow! I can't believe it, they switched. So I was just standing there... talking to my past teachers cause they were in the same room. Ms. Barron has not changed at all. It's been 3 years but she still looks the same. I'll admit Ms. Ballard looks a few years older, but still young. Her hair is now dark, instead of blonde, she's still so think. She has different glasses... I just thought: wow! 3 years... it's crazy, I swear... it was really nice talking to them thuogh... I swear I hated Ms. Ballard, but I enjoy chatting with her the most. Oh yeah, I didn't recognize Mrs. Del's voice... it was different or either that, I've been away from it so long to remember... -_- It's just so crazy, I can't believe how far I've gone... I feel like crying, because I feel like I've grown. I've only got 3 more years of high school left. 3 more years of the best years of my life... and sometimes I feel like I'm wasting it, but I'm not... each day may not be special to me, but I'm trying to live it better. It's just such a big thing to me... it's crazy. It is. Well, I'll be doing homework now I guess. See ya later Prue... I can't wait for tomorrow! Yay!




