#205 - Changes

randomlayout / my designs




Hi Prue.

Things are changing. It is neither good nor bad, but things are changing. I can feel it, I can sense it. All that I've predicted... it's all been cut short. Here lies the beginning of something new. Something warm, and something good. I can feel the pain leaving, but the anger's still here. And though that's a shame, it'll block me from happiness; I'll have to live with it for now. This kind of change doesn't happen many times in your life. That is because the new opportunities are opening up and you have to leave the familiar, at least some of it. It's a long hard road, but one that must be taken otherwise I'd be stuck forever. I'm so lucky to even realize that I must walk on. I'll look back, but I can't go back and the further I walk, the more I want to walk back, but I know I can't, because I know I'm moving along the right way. I can feel it so, with every step I take; it's just that sometimes the right road, isn't always the one you want to take. Now, I have to start adapting to these new conditions. Although the changes aren't seen right now, they are happening, and one day when you reach the end of the road, you'll realize that, because then you'll realized just how much you've traveled.



