#206 - When my brother is sick

randomlayout / my designs




My brother has come down with some really bad cold or other. Eck. I hate it when he has a cold. The whole family gets crazy. I hope he gets better soon. I can't stand it when he's sick. He's such a frail boy, sometimes I don't know how that happened. I'm a lot stronger than him health-wise. I feel bad for him.

Hope you like the new layout, it took awhile to do.

Thanksgiving is coming up. Yippie. The Reyes', Nancy, Crystal, and Daphine and I are going bowling sometime next month. We came up with this thing about doing something fun every month. We're even thinking about going miniature golfing. Sounds like fun! Well, anything with friends is fun. :) I'm thinking of coming up with a day like boba day, where we go out for boba one day of the month, and we just sit back and drink boba and talk. Wouldn't that be like loads of fun? Damn, life with the Reyes' and Nancy is awesome! Life seems so much better now... Well I'm off to sleep.

[[goodbye to you]]



