#215 - Christmas gifts & a dream of Eric

randomlayout / my designs




Saturday I went Christmas shopping with Nancy. I bought stuff for Sophia, June, Jaclyn, Daphne, Crystal, and Andrea. I've decided to get some other stuff for Angela, Matt, Enrique, Tim, and Joanna from my mom's store. Nancy will buy Andre's gift for me cause I'm not going to have time to go back to the mall. Then, I'm going to buy my mom and my brother something. I'm pretty sure I'll buy my mom an Enya CD, cause she likes her music cause it's relaxing and a video game for my brother (that I also like... haha). So that concludes people I'm going to buy gifts for. I don't know if I'm missing people though. I better double check tomorrow. Hmm... Not much else to say I guess...

So I'll just get back to the dream I had last night. It was weird and funny. It started out with me at Gahr, except it didn't look like Gahr, you know? You know how people order lunches in Faye Ross, with the windows and stuff? Well, it was like that. I was at a window. There was only one window though, but it was much bigger. I was about to order something but I didn't have enough money. So she asked me if I had any tickets for this one food that was only for today. And I told her, "Omg! I was gonna buy a ticket, but I ran out of money. Let me see if I have any money with me." Then I check for money again and then I say, "Nope. I don't have any." Then she starts making me some kind of weird soup anyway and then we start talking. Oh yeah, no one was around. So then after the soup thingy was done, she handed it to me and I left and then my friends (Nancy, Matt, Andre and some other people I can't remember) came over and Nancy was telling me about something being open, I had no idea what it was about, but my dream self knew, cause I started getting excited and stuff. And then it turned out to be something like game place... it's like a room connected by a tunnel that leads to another room and it's some kind of video game. I crawled inside this room through a tunnel (a nice undirty one) and then I reached this weird looking place, it was like a room really. Then I saw Eric and he was joking around about something and then I put on an offended face while he crawled on to the next room through the other tunnel. A while later, I go through the same tunnel. The next room is more like a comfy nice room and Eric's sitting on this couch or sofa or something like that.

Then Eric, still sitting, said something like, "It's so saddening for me to see you upset". And then he continued on about that while I went up to sit next to him. There were other people around in the room, mostly people from band. Then I smiled and said, "it's okay." And then snuggled in next to him and he put his arm around my shoulder and I put my head on his shoulder. Then he mentioned something about how he was so glad that I wasn't mad at him and how sad he would've been if I was angry with him, etc. As he rambled on about this, somehow I changed sitting positions, I still don't even know how it happened so don't ask, but anyway, then I got closer to him until my lips pretty much touched his, but even though, he was still mumbling about how happy he was that I'm not mad. I was thinking about what happened to his girlfriend, but I didn't say anything. Then after about 5 more seconds, I got annoyed with him talking and not trying to kiss me when we were so close and pretty much already were kissing, that I just went for it myself. It felt like 5 minutes of heavy duty making out, but somehow his lips were chapped or something so it hurt a little bit. Then I broke the kiss and said, "what about your girlfriend?" But I forgot what he said, I think he said that he wont be with her anymore, but I'm not sure. Then the next thing I know, I break away from him and say, "But that's not right!" Then I'm like, "who are you? You're not Eric!" Well, actually, by then he turned to Matt (the blonde Matt that graduated last year), at least that's how it felt, though he still looks like Eric. Then, he ran away from me as if he realized that I knew the truth.

Then Gilmar entered the room and he asks me, "where's Eric?" and I said, "Oh he just left, but I think there's something wrong with him." He says, "I know. I have to help him." Then as we passed by the next room, we saw the TV on and guess who was on it? Ms. Royer, my chem teacher! So exclaimed, "Omg! It's Ms. Royer" and some other people in the room, including Nancy and other people looked. Then I had to go and look for "Matt" aka Eric. Then we saw him and he looked funny and didn't even look like him. We ran out of the room and he came after us. Then I panicked and got scared and I stabbed and killed Eric. And suddenly it turned to an RL Stine book. I confused Matt/Eric for this guy named Micky in the RL Stine's Fear Street Seniors series. And then I though, "that's how he died". It was like I was in the book, you know? The funny thing is, Mickey hasn't died (yet?) in the book. And that's about all I remember. What a weird dream. I gotta go now. School tomorrow... algebra test tomorrow. Wish me luck. Cross your fingers and knock on wood 3 times for me. :)

[[goodbye to you]]



