#234 - Significant days of 2002

randomlayout / my designs




Jan 1 - Happy New Year! (and a nicely celebrated one too)
Around the end of Jan - Gurshim made an obvious statement that he liked me, but I never got with him for reasons you don't have to know about.
End of Jan to around the end of July - family madness between my mom and I.
Feb 1 - The day I met Chris at the band room, I signed up for drumline try outs
Feb 8 - My birthday. I went to Polly's Pies with Nancy, Andre, Chris, Jason and Matt.
March 15 - the day I started writing in this diary.
March 17 - Tom (Nancy and mine's mouse) died. we got the mice from Petco during Januray.
April 4 - first "date" with Chris. met Gus, and Nancy was there too, we watched Panic Room.
April - my mom went back to china.
April - I joined Mystikal.
May 19 - watched Spiderman with Chris.
May 25 - that Saturday night...
June 19 - the last day of school. It was a total disaster!
June 22 - Mystikal performance "the show."
June 24 - the pool incident (that's when I got angry at Chris and other ppl)
July 24 - Chris kissed me again after that long detestment between us.
July 26 - last day of summer school and I got my ears pierced.
July 30 - Chris tells me he loves me
End of July/beginning of August - Mystikal ends
Aug 8 - saw Signs with chris
2nd week of Aug - start band camp
Aug 14 - saw Blood Works with Nancy, Chris and Ricky
Aug 31 - The Beach Party with the band
Sept 2 - my brother's birthday. It was a fun party and day
Sept 3 - Knott's with Chris, Ricky and Nancy (me and chris are official)
Sept 5 - first day of school
Mid Sept - me and Chris broke up after exactly 2 weeks
Month of Oct - mostly crying over band camp and steve.
Month of Oct - thinking about Jeff
Oct 31 - Halloween, watched "The Ring" with Nancy and trick or treated.
Nov 11 - Polly's Pies with Jaclyn, June, Sophia and Nancy
Nov 16 - last marching band compatition of 2002
Nov 23 - wrote letter to Jeff
Nov 25 - Jeff responds to the letter I wrote.
Nov 28 - Saw Harry Potter with family and "The Ring" again with my mom.
Dec 16 - realized I don't like Chris anymore.
Dec 20 - the last day of school for 2002. Exchanged tons of gifts.
Dec 20 - went bowling with Jaclyn, June, Sophia and Nancy.

]]2003, here i am]]



