#237 - Internet addiction

randomlayout / my designs




I've been addicted to the interent lately. it seems that i can't stop going online, esp since right now i really need to. OH shit! I forgot to do laundry, brb.

Okay, I ordered pizza. heh heh... It's gonna be here in 45 minutes. Meanwhile... I should be vaccuming my room and cleaning up the living room, playing the piano or doing my homework, but i'm not becuase i have a craving to be online. Grr! I hate it. Maybe I should try that method Mr. Moreau was talking about. finish your homework and you got an hour online... lol. heh. heh. that'd be good.

So Jason's at the twins house with the other Jason... hMmMmm.. I don't know where that though came from... I have nothign to even really say. I'm jsut really obsesed with going online and i'm willing to find any exucse to avoid what i have to do. it sucks. Oh, i still have to watch that triple X movie... there goes about 2 hours. Hmm..

Oh yeah, I had a weird dream yesterday. I dreamnt that i went to a dance with Jaime Equila (or however you spell his last name), it was weird. For one thing, it wasn't me that went... it was like a copy of me that went with Jaime. Like I had a twin. Well, it wasn't like that the whole time. First, it was me. We went to these places before going. We bumped into Zuri, and as we were walking by her, Jaime said hi to her. I was staning in back of him, and for some reason the back of his head looked like Ricky's (lol) and then I thouogh, "I wonder if she thinks that he's jeff" the funny thing about this is that Zuri knows what Ricky and Jaime looks like, so i have no idea why i thought that. lol. Then we walked away, i don't remember listening to what they were saying. Next thing, I'm at the store, where I work, but then that's where the dance is held. lol. i know, it doesn't make any sense. We talked there for a few minutes and then after awhile... he said, "i don't have any friends." (isn't that weird?) then i said, "you have me." lol So anyway, then we went inside the dancec place, and then that's when i wharped to the store and "my twin" took over. i was working there myself for awhile (at night) and then i began to wonder about them. so i walked to the dance place, and that guy was like, "who are you?" and he goes on to say that you're not here for the dance and you're not even dressed up! which was true. so i go back home (lol... what about work?) and then i found some invitations and all this weird stuff happened and the ending made absoltely no sense!

Dymn, I better get away from this computer. I'm getting internet addiction. And it's not good, esp since I've got so much stuff to do. I'm lucky I didn't have to work today. Well, better get a move on. Ta ta. ;)



