#252 - The ways for Gus to hate Chris

randomlayout / my designs




You know what's gay about AIM? When you click a link on them, they change the window that you're using. That's what happened to me. I was just about done with this entry and I clicked something of AIM's and they changed this page into something else, and voila, everything DELETED! That is so fucked up!

Another link that's been added to my list of links at the drop down menu: Tony! Another site I get to add to my already long list of sites. Yay! (sarcasm)... well, go check out he's site. It seems pretty cool and he lives around my area it seems, small world, huh?

Well, I'll try to rewrite of this as much as I can. I was talking about marriages. My former English teacher, Ms Mayne is getting married on the day of my bday, Feb. 8! It's a lucky sign! Unless they get divorced, then it could be because of me... -_- not really... lol, anyway, Miss Royer got married too, my chem teacher. She married during winter vacation, but I still call her Miss Royer. Hey, it's better than Mrs. Bunrer... or something like that. I don't even know. Nor do I really care cause I like Miss Royer. Ok, I'm boring the heck out of you, so on to something interesting.

Guess who wants to carry Chris's child DURING high school? Uh huh... Alyssa! I heard this from someone, so I don't know if it's true, but I think it is, cause she would only say something like that if she overheard the person talking. Interesting... though I would NEVER carry anyone's child during high school, much less Chris'. Alyssa's crazy. If it was me (and thank god it's not me), I wouldn't worry about having his kids... actually, I would be wondering how to dump him, but that's just me.

Speaking of Chris, I was talking about ways to get Gus to stop thinking so highly of Chris. I've come up with, "What if Chris murders another one of Gus' best/close friend? This way Chris is stuck in jail too!" The only bad thing is Gus might think Chris was defending himself. Then I thought, well what if they both kill each other, Chris and the friend. But then I realized Gus will still think Chris is God. Then I thougth, what if Chris had sex with Gus' girlfriend, but then I realized that wont happen, because Gus is with my best friend, Nancy, and Nancy wont fuck Chris for shit... well, maybe 1 million dollars... but that's not the point. Then I came up with, "What if Chris drugs Gus so then he'd sleep with other people and Nancy will dump him?" or something like that. That's the closest I can come up with.

You know, I think the only reason, I talk about Chris in such a manner about how he's annoying and crap is because deep down, I know I forgive him (though I'm not sure what I forgave), but I don't want other people to know that. I mean, yeah, I wish he was gone, but I wouldn't wish him dead. I partly do want him to go through hell, but another part doesn't. All in all, Chris = ick, period.

Nothing else new. I hate AIM.



