#254 - Cast

randomlayout / my designs




We have a complex relationship. For the most part we get along okay.

He doesn't really care about what I do, and he stays out of my business. I've never really been close with him.

My brother
We're too many years apart that we don't connect that well, but we like each other just fine.

Current People:

C is the nickname for my current boyfriend.

He is a good friend of C's.

People from 2005-2007:

Someone that I never should have dated. Sometimes I forget he was ever in my life and I don't count the things I did with him.

I hardly talk to him anymore, but we were kinda close once upon a time.

He has a weird sense of humor. I haven't talked to him in a really long time.

Charita - listed under 2004
Jed - listed under 2003
Zuri - listed under 2002
Jeff - listed under 2002
Denysia - listed under 2002

People that were first mentioned in 2004:

Someone I fell in love with, but he decided that he didn't really love me and broke it off. I took it hard and though we tried to stay friends, it didn't happen.

A really good and close friend of mine. Probably the closest friend I from high school... and we're not even that close. That's saying a lot.

I met Danny through Eric while we were together because they have been friends since 2nd grade. Danny doesn't take me very seriously, but he's got a good heart.

I liked her when I first met her and it seemed like I got along with her really well, but slowly I started to dislike her and her actions. She's too much of a girly girl.

I used to think Rick was really, really cool... but then I saw that he was always in some kinda drama... and people who find themselves in the middle of drama all the time usually causes some of it.

The Soto's: Court, Andrew, and Mark
Since I met Rick first, I always think of these three as Rick's brothers. Court is... weird. He acts weird. Andrew is anal retentive, everything has to be his way or the highway. Mark is very quiet and doesn't speak much, it took AX 2005 for him to finally open up and talk to me.

People that were first mentioned in 2003:

I've known Jed ever since my sophomore year in high school, but we got closer in my senior year. We're not close, but I enjoy hanging out with Jed.

I met him during Feb of 03, and for awhile, we talked a whole lot. I haven't spoken to him in a long time. I believe he lost my number and I can't blame him because I've lost his as well. I think that if anyone has Mike as a friend, they're truly lucky. There's really not enough words I can use to say how much his friendship meant to me.

He moved at the end of the 03 school year and that really devasted me. Enrique really understood me and listened to me. He really made me feel important. He goes to the same university as me, but we hardly ever talk.

Sarah is so great and inspirational. She's so strong and I really admire her. I know she'll go far in life. She's helped me through a lot, but I don't talk to her anymore.

Clare or Claire
I hate her, it's as simple as that. She stands for everything I don't ever want to be.

People that were first mentioned in 2002:

We have a huge history. We used to be really good friends, but we stopped being friends for a really long time, but then I started talking to her a bit my senior year and hung out with her then, but after high school, I stopped talking to her.

Zuri and I have gone through a whole lot. We've known each other since middle school, but we stopped being friends in 9th/10th grade. We decided to start over during my later years of high school and at one point we were pretty close, but I've pretty much lost contact with her after college started.

Jeff is my first love and I never know what to say about Jeff. He's a really great guy to me and I think sometimes that I don't deserve him, but there were downfalls that lead to the end of our relationship. Jeff is a great guy, but sometimes I really believe that Jeff is not the type of guy that I should be dating. He's so loyal to me and he can't see any of my faults and that really scares me, because I can be quite the opposite. I change my mind a lot for no reason really. I've obsessed about wanting to be with him on and off in this diary.

I have a pretty long history with Denysia as well. I've known her since 6th grade. We stopped being friends for awhile, but then I apologized and we became friends again. I have drifted from her since college. She's alright, but she talks too much.

He is an exboyfriend of mine and I have mixed feelings when it comes to him. It pissed me off that he treated me like crap when we were together, yet he can call me up and say "let's be friends" as if nothing happened. He still IMs me every now and then, and he must be like the only one.

Jason and I have a huge history with each other. I've known of him since 6th grade, but didn't really exchange words until middle school. Jason and I have never gotten close, but we have an understanding. He's a good guy overall, >though I haven't spoken to him in the longest time.

I knew him at the beginning of 9th grade, through Jason. We hung out a few times, and I started to like Andre (as a friend). I love Andre; he's a really great guy. To me, he's just so damn pure. I don't talk about him often, but he's a good friend. He's also another friend that I have drifted far away from.

Jaclyn, June, Sophia
I used to be really good friends with all three of them, but then I drifted from them. However, like a lot of my high school friends, I haven't talked to them since high school ended.

We've never really gotten along because she liked Chris. I have no clue what's happened to her since high school

He was Chris's best friend. I haven't talked to him in a really long time. I really don't know him... I guess I never really did.



