#264 - First good day this month

randomlayout / my designs




Due to the long list at the drop down menu, I've decided to create a page for it. If you're a reviewer and wondering why some of the review sites are at the page and some are at the drop down menu... well, don't worry about it, they eventually will get put on the reviews page. So don't feel left out if you're not specifically on the drop down menu. All the rest of them will be on there soon enough.

Today was the first good day this month. In algebra, I found out I got a 87% on my test. Yay! I think that's the best grade so far. So I have a 79.7% but with homework I should raise it up to a B, and plus, rounding will give me a B anyway. Yippie! :) I think I did well on my French writing portion. That's just what I think. English was boring, but that's okay. I played the violin... then we took the history test. I did okay. I got an A, I think, and since I have an A already... it should be okay, but I have to do well on the finals. Chemistry, I think I did well on this test too. I hope I get an A though, cause it's at a low A right now. Over all, today was a good day. I think things are starting to look up; I hope so.

On a more interesting note. I think my dad was looking at porn two nights ago. I couldn't tell, but it looked like it. He's face was covered by the magazine so he didn't see me. But since my eyesite isn't so great, I couldn't tell. Well, anyway, I can't believe that dumbass would look at porn with the door open. Hmmm... the door was closed yesterday, I wondering if he was looking at it yesterday.

Oh yeah, I had a dream that I was looking at porn online, or was it on TV? I forgot. Well anyway, I was turned on. Rather interesting, cause I have looked at porn, and none of it turns me on. It scares more than it pleases me. Well, the funny thing was, in the dream, no one was even naked! They just... well, weren't wearing much clothing. Weird... it must be the side effect to thinking about, "what if my dad's looking at porn?"

Hmmm... I really have not much to tell you. This was a pretty boring entry. I have tons of sites to review and I gotta play the piano, so I best be on my way to do that. Bye.




