#275 - How different it is

randomlayout / my designs




I had to send my brother to school today. Being as we're so close to school and all we walked together. When I got there, I saw my old teacher Ms Ballard. We talked for awhile, and I really like how she asks me how I am doing, I known I can count on her if I need someone to talk to, though I can't exactly go to her whenever I want.

Well, anyway, I bumped into Mr. Price and he remembers me. Mr. Price is our computer lab teacher. So I stayed in his computer lab after I got a visitors pass from the office.

I also got a chance to talk to Mrs. Del, which was one of my favorite teachers. However she was too busy talking to some other person to really talk to me and see how I was doing. So from now on, I'm not gonna care anymore. It's not the first time I visited her and felt that she didn't care I was there. She should feel lucky that I could visit, but since she doesn't, then I shouldn't feel that way either. Whatever.

When it was recess... man, those were some days. I saw people playing jump rope! I couldn't believe it! Jump rope is in the groove again! lol. Awesome... awesome. Then I went to the handball court. I was very tempted to get in line and play. Handball is my absolutely favorite game to play at recess. I miss it a lot. Well, by then the bell rang so I didn't get to play even if I wanted to.

On my way back to the computer lab, I saw this short chubby kid, I suppose... was a 4th grader or so. He was holding drumsticks. So I went up to him and asked, "you drum?" And he nodded and said "yeah." I asked him how long and he said he's been playing for 3 years! I said that was cool and he asked if I drum and I said, "well I did this year for marching band" and I told him that he should join marching band and play drums when he goes to Gahr or Cerritos. He smiled and nodded and left. He reminded me of Chris - obsessed over drums.

Well, nothing much after that, but I noticed how things are so different, how much they have changed. I miss the good old days... where did they go? It makes me so sad...



