#284 - Birthday girl

randomlayout / my designs




Yay, look:

Yay, I'm 16! :) *does dance*

Anyway, I'm scared that I'm going back to my depression... I hope not, I felt pretty good yesterday and for the most part today, but I felt a little depressed inside.

Well, for the most part, today was a fun day. I got everything I requested for, which basically was a cake, a "Happy Birthday" ballon, a Stitch doll, and the Michelle Branch (Spirit Room) CD, though I didn't really request it. I'm very happy. I'm going to try to make Nancy's and Andre's and probably David's extra special! :)

So I did go to Taco Night, my brother came too. He was talking to Mike most of the time, about the SSBM. Haha. Well, I don't think he really minded. I'm sure Mike really loves a fan. Though, I'm not sure if you would call my brother a fan... eh, close enough. Well, we ate and talked and watched some TV even. Later we played some football, I caught a few and I got to throw, but I suck at throwing. Later we cleaned up and then we left. It was a really fun day overall, I wish everyday could be that fun.

I think the fact that I never played catch makes it more fun, 'cause in a way it's something new. *sigh* What happened?



