#287 - Taco Night and my bday

randomlayout / my designs




I got an F on my most recent review. Eh. For some reason I don't really care. The only thing that really bugged me was the fact that they mentioned that I should either # my entires or just have an entry title. I don't know what's wrong with both. You know, I think reviews aren't done so professionally, I think people do it in the sense that they think this isn't cool, so they mark you down for it. Like GOP reviews (I got a good grade, but still...), they marked me down on my layout just because they didn't like Hugh Grant! Pish... What BS is that? I'd say that layout portion is to see if the colors match and the font goes with your style and crap. Not "oh, I don't like Hugh Grant, I'm marking her down." I mean, if that was the case, a lot of the people I reviewed would be getting a lot lower of a score. And how about if you do like Hugh Grant? I doubt you'll give me extra points for it. Jeez. Some of these reviewers don't know what they're doing. If you're a reviewer and reading this, feel free to mark me down because you don't like Hugh Grant or whatever layout I may have, I don't care, I'll just ignore you.

Anyway, I've been feeling crappy. I don't know, I guess all I've been doing is feel crappy lately. Somehow I don't really care anymore. I guess things aren't the way they used to be. I noticed that my last few entries are boring. I guess I've been pretty boring lately then, huh?

Oh yeah. My report card came yesterday, I got 2 Bs and 5 As. First my mom said, "Oh, what happened to that C [in algebra]?" I told her that I raised it to a B. She seemed kind of happy, then later on she said, "So, on the next test, if you pull an A, you can raise your grade up?" I said, "no, it's the semester (sp?) grade, if I get an A on the next test, I have an A in the class." Then she started giving me a lecture about how I should do better and get an A. And she said all this while I was feeling crappy as it is. I wanted to punch her.

Here's the details on Taco Night. Well, I had to bring my brother (he's 8) with me. He wanted to meet Mike, because he's the guy that helped us get charcters and stuff on SSBM, so he kept talking to Mike and I did some homework I guess. Then we ate Tacos and stuff. Did you know that if you dip tortia (sp?) chips in punch, it taste pretty good? Hehe. Well, after that we just talked and then I watched Friends and The Simpsons on TV. There's a TV in the band room, and Mr. Allen (the teacher) doesn't care if you watch TV or not. He spoils us. Well, after that, we played catch with a football. It was me, Jaclyn, June and Sophia Reyes, Nancy, Kevin and some other band people I don't hang out with like: Sophie, Cameron, Oscar, Franky, Dana, AJ, and Michelle. It was really fun. I wonder where the good days went...

Saturday, it was me, David, Nancy, Jaclyn, June, Sophia, Susan. Andre couldn't come :( We went to Home Town Buffet and we ate... well, food. I think I ate 4 plates or 5 total. I forgot. Well, they made this really huge ice cream type cake thing for me. I think it was Sophia and Susan that made it. Oh yeah, and since the Reyes' bought me a camera, I took pictures, if I ever get them developed, I'll put it up and you can see what the cake looked like. Well, then afterward, the Reyes' left and then it was just Susan, Nancy, David and me. We couldn't go bowling, because it was far away and we had no ride. We could've taken the bus, but the bus wouldn't have arrived until an hour later and I had to be back by 5:30 and it was 3PM. (We were planning to bowl for 2 hours) So anyway, instead we went to Target Greatlands and just looked around. (Oh what fun!) We would've gone to the movies, but Susan took too long and wondered around the store and it was 3:30PM, we would've been able to watch one, but Susan had to be home at 5PM. Oh, what joy. I didn't even get to go to the movies. Eck.

Well, afterwards, when I went home, my mom bought me a real cake and when we came home we sang happy birthday, took some pictures and stuff. I guess it was pretty fun :)

Later when it turned midnight and my birthday was over, I took the balloon Nancy gave me and I set it free.

Today I'm planning to go the movies. I don't know what I'm gonna see yet, but I should do my homework, so I'll get to that. Bye now.



