#292 - Finally, I have something to tell you

randomlayout / my designs




Okay, I know it's been a long time but I've actually got something interesting to say. I just don't know if you'll think it's interesting.

Thursday, I did the dumbest thing! The class was doing a chemistry experiment. We were boiling chemicals with this test tube. Well, on one part it said to put the mouth of a test tube over the test tube being boiled to check if all the liquid had condensed into the air... The only thing was I missed the "of a test tube" part and put it over my own mouth. lol. I started coughing, but Ms Royer, our teacher, didn't notice. But Enrique told her today. I wasn't in the room, but Enrique said that she laughed and said, "if something happens don't go crying to me." or something like that. How stupid of me! I mean, what was I thinking?!

I took another algebra test today. I think I did well, I'll tell you how it goes.

Other than that... it's been a pretty good week. Oh, I forgot to tell you...

I asked Mike to the dance... well actually, here's what happened. It was Wednesday and I saw Mike and he seemed kind of down, so I asked him what was wrong and he said that he was pissed at this one girl because he asked her to winter formal a week or two ago and she said no because of some reason, and he asked her again and she came up with some other reason or other. I know who this girl is, but I'm not gonna say for safety purpose. Anyway, he said he was mad basically because she was BSing him. Basically, lying to him because truthfully, she just didn't want to go with him. I thought that was so sad so I asked him if he wanted to go with me. Then he said that he was pretty pissed about the whole thing and about how he might not have enough money anyway. Then he mentioned that he might have to watch his little sib (1 and half years old), 'cause he's mom's working that day, and his parents are divorced. He lives in Buffalo, I think.

Anyway, Mr. Allen came in and announced practice and stuff, so I didn't really get to talk to him after that.

After school, when I got there, I noticed that he left already, so at first I thought he was avoiding me because he didn't know how to say 'no' or something. Well, the next day (Thursday), I went to school late, so I didn't see him until snack. I was wondering how to bring up the subject without sounding... well, like I'm clinging for an answer. So while I was thinking this, I say hi. And he happened to bring it up first! That has to be a first. Finally! Someone that's not subtle and gets straight to the point. Yay! Someone blunt and doesn't dance around the subject!

Well, anyway he explained to me that he already told his mom that he wasn't planning on going and then he was and there was a huge ordeal behind the whole thing so he said it was better off not dealing with it. The whole thing is confusing, and I forgot half of the stuff he said. But I felt that he was so honest and straightforward with me that I didn't feel rejected at all. Amazing! He did also add that he appreciated me offering to go with him. So, that was nice. I just nodded and said, "okay, maybe next time."

Today was a pretty good day, actually. 4th period was so boring in a way that I felt I was gonna die. Since 4th period is my band class, sometimes we get free classes and we got one today. So I was standing there in front of the TV. Esther, and Joycelyn are there sitting next to each other and Mike sitting on the other side. So I'm flipping through these channels, and there's nothing good until I find a rerun of Fresh Prince of Bel Air. After about 5-10 minutes into the show, Mike says, "why don't you sit down?" ...err? wink wink?... Anyway, I take a seat next to him and watched TV the rest of the time. But man it was boring. Because after Fresh Prince was over, all Esther wanted to watch was BET or was it BEC... it was BET. Well, I have nothing against blacks, it's just that it was so boring! They were playing music videos and I didn't know any of the songs excecpt 1 or 2. Well I did get to talk to Mike a little bit. And he did give me one of those Valentine's packets. That was nice. The only other stuff I got was a chocolate from Clare and some pass down candy from Sophia... and pistacios from Nancy, but I don't think that counts. I didn't have anything for him, so I gave him a piece of chocolate that I had in my backpack for over a week, lol. But it was a big piece! Haha.

I'm beginning to wonder if he likes me.




