#299 - I need a break

randomlayout / my designs




Today was utter crap, I knew it when I woke up. First of all, I've got big bump on my gums, which is not cavity or whatever. My mom says it comes only when I'm really worried or depressed over something. I told her I wasn't, but I lied to her. I didn't want to talk to her about it, plus, I think I'd know what she'd say anyway.

Okay, I had this stupid bump thingy on my gums about 3 years ago. I remember I was really stressed over something, I forget what (it was important at the time), the only thing was that it came after I stopped worrying about it. This one however, I've been worried for over about a month and I stopped for awhile and it came, now I'm worried again with a stupid bump. Of course you can't really see it, cause it's not obvious, but it's not cool because it hurts. Hurts, hurts, hurts. Ouch.

I realized that I don't give enough personal time to myself. The time that I should. I really neglict myself a lot, and my health is really bad, I guess I'm this way because I'm truely a healthy kid. I've never gotten surgery or any of that crap. I never broke a bone, wore a cast, nada. I'm like the world's never injured kid or something. And to top it off, I've never had the chicken pox.

But I'm really unhealty in the way that I really stress a lot. I have white hair, my eyes are always red and you can usually see me sulking, nowadays anyway. I don't give enough time to myself because I'm so dedicated to everything else. My shoulders constantly hurt and so does my back.

GR. Everything is utter crap.

Anyway, on with my day. 1st period was okay because I did my homework that I didn't get to do the nigh before. 2nd period bored the hell out of me, I don't know what possessed me to take French as a class. It's really cool understanding stuff, but I've had enough. I'm thinking about taking Japanese next year. I might consider talking to my consuler (sp?) about what I should do. French 3 is gonna put me to sleep... anyway...

I don't know what people see in Mr. Moreau. Sometimes I feel like he trys too hard, but then well, look at me. Heh. I should speak for myself. Anyway, 3rd period was boring..

4th period was the worst. Mike wasn't even here today so I couldn't talk to him, the honor band people went to Disneyland, which I didn't even know about until Enrique told me this morning. Later at lunch I found out Jaclyn knew about it and she could've gone if she filled out the permission form and I just thought... WTF? He would've let Jaclyn go but not me? Why didn't I know about this?! I just wanted to scream at somebody.

Anyway, that wasn't the worst part about 4th period, the sub was Mrs. Lau's son. (Mrs. Lau was my geometry teacher last year) I didn't know this until the end of the period of course, but man it was the most annoying class I've ever been in. He made us do BS warm ups like he knew what he was doing! Well, I don't know if he really did know what he was doing, but he was BS. He was the most annoying sub I had.

5th period was boring. Enough said.

Chemistry was stupid too. We learned about solutions and when Ms Royer talked about supersaturated fats, I had no idea what she was talking about, and if you're a chem or bio nerd, I don't care. Don't sign my gbook or notes explaing. Don't bother. Wait a minute, you guys never do anything. Why do I bother?

Anyway, when the bell ring, I just thought, "finally! I can go home."

I was afriad I was gonna fall asleep at piano lessons, but I didn't, I actually kind of enjoyed it, that's been awhile.

I really hate school life.

Anyway, maybe tomorrow will be better.



