#332 - Friendship?

randomlayout / my designs




I don't know what's wrong with me lately... I should be happy, things should be going great... but I don't feel that way, for some reason, whenever I feel the need to think about things, I always feel sad and even to a point where I'm disappointed. I don't know why... The only other thing I could really come up with is that I look sad so that people will notice. The ironic thing about that is, that people you want for them to ask what's wrong doesn't, and the people you don't care about asking you, do ask what's wrong.

So you try and try, but you never quite get to what you're trying to get at... because people nowadays don't see it. As technology gets more advanced, the human mind become stupider emotionally. Have you noticed that? It's like the brain is 100%, if you have too much smartness, you have no room for smartness of emotions... Maybe that's why I'm so dumb, because I have too much emotions.

I've been thinking a lot recently, and I guess in a way I've dislike who I've become. All these feelings and changes... all leads from friends...

Friends I thought I could once count on... friends I thought I would always care for... friends who I believed would always be there for me... Friends, friends... what are friends?

I see those pictures of people with 2 girls in them that says, "best friends forever." I used to believe in those, but after about 3 failed friendships... I begin to wonder if it's even possible to have an everlasting friendship. You'd think that friendship is something that last forever, in every way, not just the mind, the soul, the heart... but everywhere else too. Somehow, I've seen that friendship and relationships are a lot alike. They're all bound to lose the bond someday, and when they do, it's like your heart being ripped apart, but that's okay...

If you can deal with breaking up with a guy you're in love with, is it so much harder breaking up with a friend you love?

Friendship? Ha.

Don't talk to me about friendship.

Friendship is foreign to me.

Je ne sais pas ce que signifie l'amitie.



