#349 - Anonymous

randomlayout / my designs




I know it feels like forever since I actually had something meaningful to say, but I guess that's because I have none. It seems that everything is fine and normal just the way I like it, and I don't want to ramble on about stupid crap... so I have nothing to do really... No one has really signed my guestbook or anything. lindsey is still saddened over her loss of jonathan. She wants him back. I guess I can understand that.

Brandon's life seemed to have calmned down now. At least, I think so.

I have no idea what's going around in Nancy's life... the last time I found something interesting was when she broke up with Gus. That was awhile ago. We haven't talked about anything in a very long time. Sometimes I still like to look over at what happened, and sometimes I still doubt if it was the right decision I made. I remembered going to Raging Waters in August last year and I realized that I would never have a time like that with her again, not unless... I don't know anymore. Sometimes I'm so sure, but other times I'm not. Just because I broke the strong friendship, it doesn't mean that she's gone forever. I still consider her a friend, but most of the time, I just don't know what to say to her anymore. I feel like I have to be careful with everything I say. I dislike the fact that I can't say all the things I'd like to say, because I'm afraid of hurting people's feeling.

Sometimes I wish I was anonymous, but other times, it's so hard to go on without a constant companion... but I suppose it's better to be anonymous. Once you know you don't need anyone... then there's nothing to fear.



