#353 - Play flute

randomlayout / my designs




My mom and I were talking about going to my brother's open house. Then the subject turned to my brother joining band and playing an instrument next year.

And all of a sudden I remember my 6th grade, where I wanted to learn flute... but I never did beause my mom wanted me to play trumpet. My mom argued that she suggested playing trumpet. But from what I remembered, I felt forced to play the trumpet if I were to join band. So after about a few months, i quit because I never wanted to play the instrument to begin with.

So today we're talking about this and she asks if I want to learn now.

The thing is, if I learn, then she will buy me a flute and everything... the only thing is that... what if I don't like the flute enough to keep at it? What if I just up and give up. I can't do that, espcially since she will BUY me my own flute. I just can't waste it like that... but playing the flute... I've just always wanted to... and I think it would be so cool if I could play flute for marching band my senior year... but I don't know if I should go for it. If I do, I'll have to be really committed and learn everything and stuff... and that... that will be something.

Do you think I should go for it? Try playing the flute... because if I do... I can't turn back. I really want to try it... but I doubt it too... I think I'll get some opinions from people first.



