#362 - I'm back

randomlayout / my designs




Okay, I know I haven't written here or have much to say lately. I've been really bored and crap with other stuff and I haven't been spending time online, but for the most part I'm back online. I'm going to try to get those review on my pending list done and over with, so sorry to those who have been waiting for like forever. :( Unfortunately, today is not that day for that, because I will be out today, but I'll try to get things done then.

I have a new layout. Yes, it's one of Link if you can't tell already. And if you don't know who Link is, he's the guy from Zelda, and if you thought that Link's name was Zelda like I have thought at first, it's no big deal. Anyway, this layout actually really took some doing. If you look at the HTML, it's all a bunch of tables and divs. It's amazing. Well, I don't know how I managed to do it, but it actually ended up the way I wanted it to. So I'm pretty happy about it. The only thing was that I had to use the bottom picture as an image map for all my links. Both of these pictures are from Ocarina of Time. The top picutre is young Link and the bottom is older Link.

Anyway, onto a real entry. I watched Tuck Everlasting yesterday and I've never read the book or seen it, but it's really good. The ending was just as I predicted. And in a way, that was really sad, but if it was the other way around, Winnie wouldn't have been happy with herself. I don't know why I think this, but I do. I think it's weird... immortality. It seems that we all want it because we're so afraid of death or afraid of getting hurt. But if we were immortal, things would be different. Would we rush anymore? You have eternity, what's the point of rushing? I think that we all wish to live life in slow motion, to have more time... yet to have all the time you want... that's not exactly what we're looking for. I'm sure the lot of the people would chose immortality if it was given to you if you wanted it. But I wouldn't. We weren't meant to live forever and I want to know the feeling of growing old, as funny as that may sound. Yeah, I'm scared of death, but I wouldn't think immortality is the answer. You know how people always say, "I wish this moment could last forever." I guess that's what it is - being immortal. A moment that last forever, but I guess I also don't want it to last forever. What if there are greater moments that I will miss because I thought this was the best moment, now?

It seems I've stirred up something with my last entry about Lola. It's simply how I feel about the story, and I know that it's not a true story, but I'm sure there are people out there probably going through the similar thing. I personally don't think it's the right thing, but that's my opinion, I'm entitled to it.

I keep having weird dreams, none of them make sense. Like yesterday, I dreamt that Denysia and I were friends again. In the dream she felt real, not like the person she pretended to be, but the person she was. I don't understand what it's supposed to mean. It's true that I miss her a lot, but I wonder why the dream came. Yesterday, when I went to McDonalds and checked my side mirror, I thought Denysia was behind me driving. I still couldn't tell if it was her, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't her. I guess I'm just being delusional. I guess for me, now is a time of reminiscing.

Mike and I are getting closer. Despite the fact that he has a girlfriend now, we still talk as much as we had in the beginning. Sometimes I wonder if I talk to him more than Cynthia (the gf) does. It's a weird thing, what Mike and I have. He's the first close guy friend I have, and yet somehow I knew we were going to be good friends. I didn't think it would come natrually, but somehow it did. Talking to him gives me a new perspective on life. It's like another opportunity. It makes me feel like I'm a different person in a way. You know maybe it was a good thing that Mike and I aren't together. I've come to find that Mike isn't exactly the person I was expecting. Mike reminds me of someone who is judge too easily by what other people say about him. He's not what he seems, not exactly. And a lot about him doesn't make sense, but maybe that's why it makes so much sense.



