#385 - Gum chewing helps you!

randomlayout / my designs




I'm starting to get bored of school and stuff... I mean, I've always been bored, but when it's that last 2 months of school, you start getting really irritated. It's like end already, freaking dammit! I don't think I did so well on today's algebra test, but I think I did well on my history test, for once, but I don't want to jinx it so I wont say anything. I think I find out what I get tomorrow.

I've been thinking about why everyone actually bothers to read my diary. Sometimes, I don't know why people read it. I mean, is my diary really interesting or something? Somehow, I don't see that. I guess I like my diary because everyone likes their own diary, but to other's eyes, I don't see what's so special. I'm not like out of the world depressed and complaing about life. Nor am I out of the world funny and keep on your toes by making you laugh. I'm just me. I write what I think, what happens to me, and yet somehow it turns out that there's a few people that actually think that it's interesting. I don't really get that... but oh well. I guess it's one of those things.

Let's see... I found something interesting today. Apparently, chewing gum is actually good for your brain. My music teacher (who chews gum in class anyway) read an article about how gum chewing stimulates heart rate and it helps individuals to remember things better. Huh. Who knew? So next time you're study or cramming for a test, be sure to chew some gum while you're at it, just don't get caught by a teacher if you're doing it in a class... unless of course you're at my music teacher, Mr. Allen's class, cause he doesn't care.

Well, I think I'll actually watch TV today. Gilmore Girls is on, and I hear Dean, her ex boyfriend is getting married, and Jess another ex is trying to get back with her or something... I think it's a good one. And the Smallville episode sounds good too, so I guess I'll just go and watch that then I have to go take a shower. So I best be off now. Ta ta. And enjoy my reading... I guess...



