#399 - I'm busier than my mom!

randomlayout / my designs




Does anyone know that Mark of Linkin Park is married?! He married my French teacher's close friend. That's amazing! I finally know someone that knows people!! I've got connections!! And I actually like Linkin Park!! That's crazy... but don't ask me to get you autographs or whatever. I don't want to be a bothersome student.

My shoulders started hurting again today. My mom told me that it's because I'm not sleeping early enough. My shoulders have been hurting for over a year now, and she says that I should go to sleep earlier and stuff. I have a busier schedule than she does. Isn't that crazy?! But it's so true.

Take her schedule:

Monday-Wednesday she doesn't work. Thursday she works from around 2:30 till 8:00. Friday, she works from about 7am till about 5pm. Saturdays and Sundays she works the whole day.

Take my schedule:

I usually wake up around 7:00 with the exception of Wednesdays where most wouldn't come to school until 8:25, I have to get to school at about 6:45 sometimes. Stupid practices. I get off school at around 2:45pm. I work till 4:30 sometimes later. Then when I come home I usually have some crap to do besides practicing piano.

And she wants me to sleep at 9pm to make my shoulder better?! Ha! Good luck. Luckily it's near the end of the school year.

Anyway, I'm supposed to be watching Gilmore Girls, right now cause it's 8:16 now, but I think I'll take a shower, read and then watch the season finale of Smallville.

I have way too much to do in one day online though. And I want to borrow Windwaker?! I'm crazy. Crazy I tell ya!!! Whatever happened to me?! Jeez...

J'ai besoin d'une vie.



