#401 - This person

randomlayout / my designs




Wow, on 400s entries now. There's this really cool place I discovered from Amber's links, which is this dedication place. I really like it. I got a dedication myself.

This is literally how I feel at the moment. Once this person has made me reach my limit of how hard I could try to please this person, the person left me in the cold. I will not say who this person is, because if the person can't figure it out... well, then that's pretty sad I think.

I'm so tired of being angry though. I want to be over the whole thing. I can't stand this anger, or this cold shoulder that I feel like I'm giving. Everytime I look at this person, I despise them even more. This person makes me want to punch them in the stomach. Just the image of this person makes me nauseate. This feeling for this person is so strong, every time I think about this person, I think about the hatred, what he's/she's caused me, what he's/she's done to me and how I feel so betrayed. This person reminds me of someone evil and in way this person shouldn't be alive. I'm not saying this person should be killed, but just that this person shouldn't be alive.

This person is evil, manipulitive, maybe even without realizing it. I hate what this person has caused me and I hope they get what's coming at 'em. I hope to wipe that smirky smile off this person's face and I hope that this person never gets what he's/she's been wanting all this time... complaining about it... I hope this person never gets it... This person doesn't deserve it. This person doesn't deserve anything. I feel like this person took away my life, and everything I knew and was so sure about. This person is manipulitive and will take what he/she desires, but most of all, this person is a hypocrit, even though this person wont admit it or believe it. He's/She's one of the biggest one I've come to seen.



