#409 - Stupid algebra

randomlayout / my designs




I know I haven't really written here or visit much of anyone else's diaries for that matter. I'm just trying to keep up with my updating daily! Some guy my mom knows came to help us with the computer because we've been having problems. He said that we need more memory and then he'll install XP on my computer or something along the lines of that. I don't know how I feel about the whole thing, but yeah, I would like my computer back... I mean this computer is great, I've been using it for the past 6 months, but I want my own computer.

Something about today just feels so weird, like something wasn't completed. Today doesn't feel like a Friday... maybe a Tuesday or Wednesday. Since band junk is over, I'm guessing that from now on, we'll be playing SSBM till the end of the school year. I hope so, it'll be one thing I can look forward to.

So I think I mentioned that I had an algebra make up test today. Well, there was only 9 problems, and I was only sure on 4 of them. One question seemed so irrelevant to what we were learning because there wasn't a problem like it on the homework. I don't know anymore... Cynthia was really saddened by her test grade, because she thinks she's done badly and she might get a D or lower than that. It's weird because I don't even know Cynthia personally, but I already feel so bad for her... If I ever got a D in math... I would so cry... I wouldn't be able to bear it... I hate algebra... I can't wait for the school year to be over.

I'm pondering whether to take summer school or not. I don't see much of a point, since the only person I'll really want to see at summer school is Enrique, but if I go, I'd just be playing the violin the whole summer school... so no thank you. I don't think I will. It's just stupid... I'd rather just work and earn like a ton of money this summer. I'll save it for something good... I don't know what yet.

Well, I guess that's all for now... If I suddenly stop writing, it's probably cause my computer got fucked up. I don't have time to change the older page, so I'll do it tomorrow. See ya.



