#410 - Quiz 23

randomlayout / my designs




d0rky girl wiv braces n freckles
Yes! You are d0rky enough for me! I think we could
hit it off, even if you don't have braces AND
freckles etc....send me a message on quizilla
now please :-) or visit
http://www.dodgybloke.co.uk OR if that doesn't
work try http://linux-geek.livejournal.com and
click on the first entry for my pictures.

brought to you by Quizilla

Middle-aged. You'll die from something unexpected,
just when your kids are going to college or
something great is happening. Cause Unknown.

At what age will you die?
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You Have the Power to Turn Things to Stone!

What's Your Magic Power?
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Switzerland - A neutral power for as long as most can remember,
it has avoided war for several centuries.
However, it is still considered highly advanced
and a global power.

Powerful without Force.
Makes Excellent Watches, Etc.

Target of Ridicule.
Constant Struggle to Avoid Conflict.
Target of Criminal Bank Accounts.

Which Country of the World are You?
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You see the would in Red, Green, and Blue
Red/Green/Blue: To you, the world is logical. Everything happens
for a reason, life is scientific. You like to
find solutions. I doubt you needed to take this
quiz in order to realize this.
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What color do you see the world in?
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Idealistic Virgin

What Kind of Virgin Are You?
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Water! Bad ass. You are the tide. Tide with
bleach. Shit man...that's fucking awesome.
You get the stains out. You get clean...unless
you're dirty water. If you are, fuck off. If
you're not, rock on.

What Element of Earth Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Therapy Bound
THERAPY BOUND The Ultimate Quiz Addict. You live to take
quizzes. You constantly search the internet
looking for the newest and most interesting
quiz. You bombard the messages boards with the
quizzes as well as your friends email. And
your computer had better watch if if a result
from a quiz is, in your opinion, totally wrong.
Seek help from an individual therapist to help
you with this quiz addiction.

How Addicted Are You To Internet Quizzes
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You're Zelda!
Congratulations! You're Zelda! You are sweet, and
are most of the time in charge of things. Go

Which Zelda character are you?
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Link. Hero of Hyrule. You tend to be daring, if a
little aloof. You don't like to speak.

Which SSBM character are you?
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Chucks Button
Woah, you're even dorkier than me. You are
CLINICALLY dorky! You probably had to take alot
of crap as a kid. Poor dear. *hugs* It's okay,
I'm sure alot of people love you.

How dorky are you?
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You're Saria!You're fun and likes to be around
friends.You have a best friend that is very
different.You don't care how people look like.

Which Zelda Character are you?
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