#42 - Been awhile

randomlayout / my designs




Oops. Guess I haven't written here in a while. Life's been pretty cool I suppose. Despite my problems with my mom I somehow got through the whole thing which I'm still yay-ing about. Though, it's not perfect, it's been going okay. A few days ago my parents wanted a divorce. To tell you the truth, I DO want them to divorce, seems like everything would be better off that way, considering how much they were fighting these days, but I don't know. I don't think they are getting a divorce now. Things are pretty good now anyway. I am even trying my best to help out, doing the dishes and all... without getting money either. I'm trying to even get into my brother's life. We are talking and that good stuff. I know a little about his life and how things work for him, but don't worry I won't ramble on about it in here. Though he's not the perfect brother, I'm not the perfect sister either. I'm pretty far from the perfect sister. I'm probably as bad as they come, but hopefully at least he can stand me and not hate me. Though, I know that sometimes he can't stand me. Oh well. It's not all that bad I suppose.

I am very worried about my grades right now. I have a 88% for Sancho's class, but that's the quarter grade. I don't know what I have for the semester. I pray to god that I get at least a 90%! On top of that, I don't think I am doing too well in my English class either, even though, I've turned in all the work, I'm not doing as well as I used to. And I already know that I've scored a B for Mr. Seko's class. :( I can't stand it. It's like all of a sudden, I can't focus on these things anymore, but I guess, with school almost over I just want this whole thing over with. I'm tired of school. Even thought I really haven't done much this year, because I was pretty much a different person this first semester, I feel like this is taking forever to end! Arg!!! I'm really worried about finals too, but that's the last week of school so we've got another 4 weeks coming. Our last day of school is the 19th or so Mr. Sancho says. We get back on the 5th of September, I think. Blah! What a load of BS. This summer I gotta go back to China for about 2 weeks. I can't wait (sarcasm). I want to sleep in late, but I can't even do that because I have summer school for AP bio. I'm planning to get the AP bio book tomorrow. I'm tired of school!!!!!!

I think I have an obsession with Xander (code name). I am getting more and more annoyed with myself because of it. Sometimes I wish he wasn't around here. Of couse, then again, that's how I felt about Jason awhile back. It seems that guys just can't be perfect in any way. They all suck and I wish them to death... except a few of the good ones that never cause you any harm like Matt or Andre. Now there's some good friends. Besides the guys, there's always the bitchy girls who wants your guy, like McBeal (another code name), I hate her!!! GRR... What I wouldn't give to punch her in the face. The worst part is when McBeal is there flirting with him, they don't do much back, though they don't flirt back, they don't do anything to stop it, therefore saying I'm not flirting back but please continue, and it just bothers the hell outta me and I hate them all. Guys just suck ass and they are exactly like us. Why can't they be more mature than that? They bug. We probably bug them even more. I can't stand this shit man...!!

*Lanie .KoRn4NiN.



