#421 - Sticks and stones

randomlayout / my designs




You know that phrase, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? That's a stupid phrase. The correct phrase is, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will always hurt more."

I guess getting abused, hurt, and all that crap physically is painful, but the truth is, if you can't put it behind you, then mentally you'll hurt forever.

I know I shouldn't complain about this, because I asked for it, but still it angers me. I was angry at an reviewer for marking me down so drastically about my spelling. They act as if I don't even make an effort to spell things right. If you got back to my first entry, whoa, that's when I didn't make the effort. The reviewer talked as if she was the most perfect person in the world or something. Then, when I complained about it, another reviewer said, "who cares about your spelling?" That's exactly my point! And she marked me down for it! Then the reviewer said I was stuck-up! You know what, that review is so short I might as well post it:

Okay. So, it fits your outlook. You're mainly stuck-up and concerned only about yourself and your life.

There's continuous jabbering about this friend and that friend. You avoid most feelings about yourself and your overall opinion on your own life. You complain about things and don't explain what exactly is wrong. And, you look down on things without reason to. I mean, who cares about your spelling. No one is perfect in any way and as long as its readable that's fine.

[overall opinion]
It's a waste of time. But, at least you can spell and finish a sentence.

[rated]: 3

Courtesy of: [loveablefreak]

I don't really mind the content part. At least she was honest saying she didn't like my content. But why, oh, why did she say I was stuck-up because of the template? Only concerned about myself? That's a HUGE, BIG, MAJOR contradiction to what she said about me in the content. "There's a continuous jabbering about this friend and that friend". If I only care about myself, then why would I continue to talk about my friends? If I'm so stuck-up, then how come I'm not talking about how pretty I am.

I'm starting to hate reviewers. I mean, there are some really good ones out there, but some of these reviewers, they don't even know what they're doing. They read 5 entries, and come to the conclusion that I'm stuck-up because of my template.

And you're probably wondering what this has to do with the stick and stones quote, but it's because it really hurts me when people judge me before they hardly even know me. I get sad, depressed, and angry when people say I'm stuck-up, selfish, or I only care about myself. Of course, I am one sometimes, but they act as if they've never been selfish before, or as if I haven't sacrificed enough things in my life.

I'm so sick of reviewers who grade on a level of perfection. They act as if their diary can be graded on that level and get an 101%. The truth is none of us are perfect, and if you think you're perfect or your expecting us to be, then you're in for a big shock. I'm sorry the world isn't as perfect as you are, but maybe, just maybe, we're too fucking human to be perfect.



