#441 - About my stories... oh, and my life's great!

randomlayout / my designs




Wow, look at this, Anna is actually updating on time!

Yeah, so I'm getting a little tired of the Windwaker games so I'm taking a break now, but again, I'm supposed to be doing something else. Surprise, surprise.

I'm glad some of you read my writing and stuff, but I hope that in time people will give me some tips. I know I'm not a perfect writer but I want to try to be, so tell me how you like my stories, or how you don't like them. If they even keep your interests... heh.

I'll add more chapters on there whenever I get the chance, believe me there's gonna be a lot of stuff on that site. As for the current story I'm working on that doesn't have a title yet, don't worry, I'm still continuing it. I got the next chapter done, but I haven't posted it.

I know there's gonna be a lot of spelling or grammer errors in the stories, 'cause I don't have an editor, but I usually edit the stories before I post it, but there will probably be some errors sometimes. Oh, and in case you don't realize it, DO read the cast page, it WILL help you, especially with the White Pearls. There's gonna be more characters, and it will get really confusing so keep tabs on the cast page.

Hmm... So I guess that's all about my stories.

So what's up with me? Nothing really. This is the part with the boring update... so read it if you're extremely bored. I got 20 bucks for helping my mom out yesterday, I wonder if I'll get any today. I haven't had spare change in a long time. Yeah, I consider 20 bucks spare change. Heh. I guess I'm not normal. Oh well.

Here's the thought-provoking thought of the day. I'm always complaining about how life's unfair and about how people deserved to be punished more than me, because I think that I'm always the one getting the worse, but then when I really think about it, this is not true. I have a better lifestyle than practically anyone I know. I don't have to watch a baby and a bratty 10-year-old like Mike does, nor am I poor like Enrique, neither am I always getting in trouble and yelled at like Nancy. I don't have a sister or cousins to share my stuff with like the Reyes'. And on top of all of this, I have a job so I get money, and I can keep it. I can save it up, since I hardly buy anything. I can drive, so I can get out of this crummy place if I felt like it, but I usually don't. I have a computer, which comes in really handy. And I have video games to keep me entertained. I'm probably one of the luckiest 16-year-olds out there and here I am being bratty, acting like my life's horrible. Whatever. My life is probably better than most people's life put together.



