#444 - Early entry

randomlayout / my designs




This is an early entry for me...

I haven't been playing Windwaker, and just as I've caught up to my brother and went further, he's passed me again! Oh well. I think I'm halfway through the game.

I think I'm going to be getting the Michelle Branch CD today. My mom is making me return her library books and making me go to Best Buy so I can return the memory we bought 2 or 3 weeks ago. This will give me a chance to buy the Michelle Branch CD. Yes! The only thing is, I hope I don't forget to bring extra money. Knowing how pathetic I am, I just might, so I'll be careful.

I never posted my report card, huh?

Well, I got an A in everything except for Algebra 2. I got a C+, .6% away from a B-. I was pretty pissed, but it's okay, 'cause my GPA is still 4.67 or whatever. I cried when I saw that C though. I haven't gotten a C since 5th grade, I think. I deserved it though, I really slacked off in his class. I was surprised I didn't get a B in history though. And thank god Ms. Royer gave me that A in chemistry, huh?

Hmm... it seems that I just don't have anything interesting to say lately. I haven't had enough time to do anything really important. Well, maybe except for this layout. I might post another part of my story later tonight.

As for that one chapter I've been meaning to post on here... I'm too lazy to post it. Haha. I haven't had time to edit it.

Hmm... I better go eat now. School starts in 45 minutes. I'm so sick of band. See ya.



