#454 - Smiling VS frowning

randomlayout / my designs




I know I've been talking a lot in here, but as I've said before, my thoughts are really scattered and I remember pieces of it after I'm done with an entry. So forgive me for so many entries the past 2 to 3 days. Once I get everything out, I will shut up. Not completely, but for the most part.

My mom has always said that I smiled like a dork when I was a kid. Even when I didn't know what was going on. To put it simply, I was so innocent, that anyone who saw me smile would have a hard time not smiling back.

My mom told me today that I look angry when I don't smile. I always thought that I was just expressionless, but no, she says that I'm frowning and usually angry. I begin to wonder if that's true.

My mom says that some people look better when they don't smile, and some people are born to smile. I'm one of those people, but I keep wondering why I should smile, when I don't feel like smiling. Yeah, it's true that frowning takes more muscles than smiling, but frowning seems so much easier and less work.

I try to smile, but now I get so self conscious, like what I'm doing is wrong and everyone notices. Why can't I just smile when I want to, and frown when I want to? My mom says I look ugly when I don't smile.

Well, what have I got to smile about lately?



