#457 - My past isn't that bad...

randomlayout / my designs




I talked to Mike for about an hour today. It was the first time I brought up little things from my past. I've realized that it's not all bad. I've had some pretty good parts on my past.

Like the first time my parents spoiled me, aftering coming to America. They bought me a Super Nintendo game console, I was 9 then. That Christmas break, my dad and I stayed up till 12am to play Donkey Kong Country. I love that game and it's one of the few good memories I have with my dad.

I remember my best friend when I was about 6, Yui-chan. I haven't seen her in almost 10 years. I would love to see her again, but I don't think we'd recognize each other. I wonder how she grew up to be. I wonder if she thinks about me.

You know my past isn't so bad. There were some pretty good parts to it, but I forgotten it all. I miss the good old days. I wonder if I'll ever say this about my current life when I'm 26 years old.

I wrote a song today. I will post it on here when I come up with a melody for it.

Bye everyone.



