#461 - Orli + Johnny = The best movie ever!

randomlayout / my designs





That's the only word I can use to describe the movie. Man, Pirates of the Caribbean was REALLY good. I mean, I haven't really seen one like that in awhile.

The graphics were REALLY good. Some parts were really freaky and that made it even better. It seemed kind of "realistic" in a way. Even though at first I was annoyed that they didn't show enough previews, I'm glad they didn't, it's so much better seeing all the good parts on the screen. I was afraid I might not understand the plot, but it's perfectly fine, watching the movie without any background information. They explain it to you as you watch the movie. I had to pay about 18 bucks for my ticket and my mom's and since it was at night, it was even more expensive, but I would've gone even if it was for 30 bucks.

The plot was pretty good, not that original, especially with it's title and all. I have to say that Johnny Depp did a REALLY GREAT job in the movie. He really kept you on your feet because he's so friggin hilarious that it isn't even funny! I mean, wait... that it IS funny. I don't think that made much sense, but you get what I mean. If you don't want to watch it for Orli, watch it for Johnny. He's awesome in this movie. The person that played the girl, I forget her name, but in the movie it's Elizabeth. She's a pretty good actress, a rebel of course, otherwise there's no fun in the movie. Geoffrey Rush did a pretty good job too, very convincing kind of look and feel to him, and I love the monkey, as annoying as he kind of got, being that he's bad and all.

**SPOILERS** My favortie part was where Jack (Johnny) got slapped by all these woman. It was really funny. I also like the part where Elizabeth and Jack was stuck on the island and they started drinking rum. Another good part was where Jack and Geoffrey Rush ('cause he's name in the movie is really hard to pronouce, must less write) was fighting, and then Jack was struck with a knife, but he didn't die because he stole a part of the gold. Yeah, the whole movie was really great. I love the sword fighting scenes. Those are always awesome.

I wasn't that impressed with Orli, but I think that's because Johnny was more of the main role. He really steals the screen because he's so funny, the other characters just seem... insignificant, but Orli really looked good, not that Johnny didn't. I mean, Johnny was really cute in his own way, but Orli was awesome. I loved both of their looks. I was surprised that the whole time they wore the same clothes, except for at the very, very end, except for Jack. He stayed with the same clothing throughout the whole movie. My favorite quote in the movie was, "bloody pirates" being as they are English and all... Haha. Anyway, that's enough rambling from me.

It's a really good movie and one that you really DON'T want to miss. I loved it! It's going on my favorite list!



