#463 - Sick and lonely

randomlayout / my designs




I was sad to find that blue-swirl has about 700 entries. I guess I don't have that many entries after all... Oh well.

I don't feel too great. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I haven't eaten lunch, nor do I intend to.

I don't want to go to work either. I don't care about money.

I just feel sick. Eck. I keep coughing too. I might be coming down with something. I hope not. I get cranky when I'm sick, plus I still have to go to school and work.

I haven't been able to get Pirates of the Caribbean off my mind yet. I'm just waiting for the phase to past so I can live normally again. This Orli obsession is not really a good thing for me. None of my obsessions are, because I'm usually not in my right mind when I'm obsessed with something.

I think I've come to the conclusion that I want Jeff so much is because I'm lonely. I have no one really to talk with. Enrique is kind of getting annoying because I feel like he's not giving me enough attention, like he doesn't really care. I know he'll read this and it's the truth, but one day when I feel better, I'll get over it, so just don't worry, okay Enrique? I know you care about me.

I can't seem to talk to Mike because... I don't know, I'm sick of talking to someone who has a significant other. I make myself seem needy or something. Plus, Mike isn't the type of person I'm looking for to talk to.

Denysia is never online! I can never contact her because she's as busy as I am.

I just feel so lonely. *sigh*



