#479 - 10 hour flight

randomlayout / my designs




Wow. Here I am! I'm actually at my uncle's house, with his wife and cousin. I've never seen the other person in this room before because I don't remember them. Well, it was 10 years ago, what do you expect?

I saw my grandma (from my mom's side) and it felt so awkward. I wasn't sure if I should open my arms and hug her or stay far and far away. The whole thing just felt so weird. People in China don't really hug each other or anything.

Anyway, so how was my flight?! Well, I forgot to mention before I left that we were stopping in Japan first... lol. Well, the flight was 10 hours long, but I didn't mind AT ALL, in fact I wish the flight was 24 hours. They were showing movies nonstop. It was awesome. They were showing Chicago, Treasure Island, Shanghai Knights, Lord of the Rings (I am still unsure whether it was The fellowship of the Rings or The Two Towers), West Side Story (the play), and some other one, I can't remember all of them. There were a lot.

I saw Lord of the Rings first. I thought it was The Fellowship of the Ring, but then I don't think it was (I'll explain later why). I didn't like it that much, but they played that movie 3 and a half times (because the flight was 10 hours long and they play it nonstop).

I also saw Chicago which was absolutely great. I loved it! My favorite song was, "He had it coming" or I think that's what it's called, it's the one where the girls in the cells are signing about how they killed their man and why they are in jail. Awesome song. I love it. I wouldn't mind downloading and listening to it all day.. well maybe that's a little extreme.

I also saw Treasure Planet cause there was not much else to watch, cause I've seen Shanghai Knights before. Treasure Planet was a lot like Atlantis. It wasn't that interesting.

They also had games on there. Like video games, games. They had Mario games! That's amazing. I played for a very short while, but my brother played it a lot.

Once in Japan, I was so tired because in California it was about 12am, while in Japan it was about 5pm. We had problems with our hotel rooms and that delayed it an hour. Once we got that sorted out, we went out to eat. I really wanted to go to Denny's (because Denny's in America sucks, while in Japan, rules), but there wasn't one nearby. :( Instead we went to McDonald's. Eck. The bread was so stale and it tasted funny. I ate a Big Mac. The french fries tasted the same, but my mom said it didn't... well, I guess it was close enough that I didn't notice. Everything in Japan is so expensive. The shirts there were like 30 bucks (in American money I mean). And I do mean like regular T-shirts.

We got back to the hotel and I fell asleep and didn't wake up until 2am Japan time, which was 12pm in Cali. I tried going back to sleep, but it didn't work that well, but eventually, I did fall back asleep... then we went on the airplane to go to China... it was only 2 hours long.

Now back to the Lord of the Rings thing. I was really surprised at how it began, as it felt like it had no beginning... basically, what I saw was Gandof (mind my spelling, as I don't know how to spell them yet) was dying in some fire and turned out to be Frodo's dream. Then all of a sudden, Aragon, Legolas and some big dude shows up looking for Pippin, Frodo, and Sam (I think he's name) and the other dude that's with Pippin, but I don't know he's name.

I didn't stop to ever think that it might be The Two Towers, but then when I was on the plane to China, I saw the Lord of the Rings beginning. They were talking about the rings and I was like, hey, now this is an intro, and later I found it was Lord of the Rings. All things considered, I'm pretty sure I was watching The Two Towers the first time and The Fellowship second, but the thing was, the flight was so short, I never got to finish it. I left off somewhere where the ring was brough to Arwin's (right? That's her name right? The girl with Aragon?) father's kingdom.

Anyway, that about leads to where I am now. Things here are different but not really in some other ways. I never really mentioned much about my family, but that's because I don't know much. Well, I now know that my uncle smokes (nonstop according to my mom), and I really don't like people that smoke. :( That's too bad.

My cousin really looks like me, but she's older than me, about 12 years. She's 28, I believe. She just had a baby. She married a guy from Ireland named *drumroll* CHRIS! For some reason, that just doesn't seem right. I don't know much about what happened, but I've heard from my mom that the marriage was forced because she had the baby... but who knows, I'm so confused. My limited Chinese isn't all that great sometimes.

Hmm... I'm not sure what else to say. This computer sucks cause it goes so slow, but hey, at least I have one. Originally, I was supposed to stay with my grandma, but I might stay at my uncle's with my cousin instead, I'm not sure yet. My grandma doesn't have a computer so if I'm going to be staying there most of the time, I still won't be updating much... not much at all...

I guess, till next time.

Oh, and my mail is crazy. Up to 30 something mail and it's only been 2-3 days. See ya later.



