#484 - Diaryland

randomlayout / my designs




I got a new email address because [email protected] was getting too much mail for POTC. Any personal mail and such, please email me at [email protected].

I'm debating about my next layout. This is the first time I'm doing this, but what kind of layout would you guys like to see? I'm thinking of doing one of the following:

-Frodo (LOTR)
-Frodo and Samwise (LOTR)
-Aragorn and Arwen (LOTR)
-Charmed (TV Show)
-Piper (from Charmed)

I'll probably end up doing one of Frodo, but that's only what I think. Maybe you could change my mind. I'm not sure yet, though.

I'm about 60% sure right now that I'm going to stop using diaryland as a diary.

Diaryland has been great; diaryland has always made me want to make my diary better, make myself even more interesting. Reviews have given me a chance to make myself intersting also. I love each and one of you who has added me to their fave lists. Every time I see it, I just feel so happy. The fact that I could reach 40 fans is unbelieveable, but of course, greedily, I wish that I could've reached 100, but I've gained 40 fans within the past few months. That's really something.

It'll be hard leaving diaryland. It's all I've ever known. I know now that I must leave annachan. I'm not sure about diaryland completely. I'll always be reviewing, and I might continue my layout thing. I thought about moving my layout place to the domain, but I don't think I have enough motivation to make so much layouts. In a way, I think randomlayout is such a failure, because I'm so lazy to make it work. I love making layouts, and I guess I like to keep a collection of my layouts, but making them can be a pain in the ass.

Anyway, it's been great on diaryland... I think I'll be leaving once I get to my 500th entry. Changes can be a good thing.




