#495 - Mmm... the bump is back

randomlayout / my designs




It's been a really long time since I wrote in here, hasn't it? I said I was going to be coming back on the 15th, but I was wrong. My mom had some extra stuff she had to do and had to extend the trip. I don't want to say when I'm really going back, because it might not happen, like last time.

Those who have been reading my diary this year, you might remember this entry. Well, the bump came back sometime Wednesday. It really sucked because I didn't have the medicine I used then, but even if I was at home, I don't think I could find it. My first cousin's husband is good friends with a doctor. Yesterday, I went to the clinic and he dug a small hole in one of my teeth (the bottom right, 3rd to the last) and he took something out. The hole is still there and that makes me wonder. Shouldn't he cover it or something? What if food gets stuck there or something..?

Anyway, the small operation really hurt. I was literally yelping in pain. :( I'm okay now. There's still a bit of pain left, but it's not so bad and I can bear it, so I don't mind. The bump is still here though. It's really annoying too. And it still hurts every time you touch it.

Me, my family, and my first cousin's family are going to a water park today. It's indoor though. I never heard of such a thing in America. I hope it will be fun.

I have decided that I'm not leaving diaryland *hears sigh of relief* lol. It's mostly due to request of the fans. It seems that a lot of people still want me to stay and since I'm not ready to leave, I guess I'm not. I'll get a new layout up once I get back.

Hearing Nate and Stacey talk about their distance problems reminds me all too much of my own about 2 years ago. I was 13 when it first started, but I turned 14 soon after. It lasted about a year and it broke off when school started. I admire Nate and Stace so much and maybe I don't support them just because I love them both, but I also want them to succeed. It's kind of like wanting your child to succeed at something you weren't able to, you know?

I still miss him. I have on and off thoughts about him. I love him a lot and I always think about what could have been or what could be, but I don't think I want to be in that position again. It's tough. It really is.



