#496 - Back in America

randomlayout / my designs




WOW. I'm back in America. I arrived (as in the plane landed on Los Angeles) at around 11:30AM (Pacific Time). We left Japan at 5PM (Japan Time). The flight was 9 hours and 30 mintues. I didn't get any sleep at all. It was about 2AM when we arrived in America if you look at it from Japan's time.

I feel dizzy, sick and I kind of have a stomachache. I guess this is what happens when you don't sleep for longer than 24 hours. I keep hearing Japanese on the TV, even though it's actually English. It's as if I think it's Japanese so I keep listening for it to be Japanese and somehow it does. I think if you went to Japan for a day or something then came back to America you'd know what I mean, but since you don't... that's too bad then.

So Drumline was showing on the plane but being as that and Shanghai Knights, X-men 2, The Recruit, and The view from above (I think that's what it was called, it was some Gwenyth Paltrow movie) were the other movies they were showing, I watched that first. It was to put it simply, pointless and predictable, but hey, if you're that bored, you can't complain. The whole plot is just ridiciulous... There's a tie between bands? So drumline is what decides it? I don't think so, besides that, the movie wasn't that bad. I like the parts where they drum anyway. I watched that Paltrow movie second. There are some really hilioursly stupid parts in that movie and it's way too dramatic. X-men 2 wasn't that great to me. Some parts were okay, with the special effects and that dude that play Logan was hot, but so was Rogue's boyfriend, and that kissing scene was done well too... but other than that... the movie had a sucky ending and ah, the whole plot is boring. I would've watched the Recruit if it seemed interesting, but by the time I got that bored, I realized that if I started watching it, I wouldn't be able to finish it and that would suck, so I decided not to watch it at all. I've already seen Shanghai Knights... so it wasn't that interesting. Man, I see the retakes for that movie (at the very ending before the credits) I actually remember most of them. There's a funny one where Olwen Wilson says, "Yeah, we have parents that love us, but you don't cause you're a little orphan" He said that about 3 times, laughing each time. Ahhh... anyway, enough about that.

So my bump is almost gone. It doesn't hurt that much luckily.

We did go to the indoor water park, but it was too crowded, so we just went to a pool instead. :( I never got to see the inside. Later that day, Lin (my cousin) and Chris (cousin-in-law) took me and my mom out to dinner. I drank soup, ate a salad, a slice of pizza and a sundae. And I tied a cherry stem into a knot. After dinner, we went to a karaokae (That's Japanese spelling, I'm not sure if it's the same for English) um... hotel. Well, it's designed like a hotel, but instead of getting rooms with beds and stuff, you get a big TV, a couch and a table. It's only for singing. I heared it cost 48 bucks an hour, but that's cheap to me, 'cause it's Chinese money. Yeah, if you ever feel poor, change your American money to Chinese money. $100 in America equals about $800 in China, and it's not like ice cream cost ten bucks or nothing. If you're a shopaholic, you should go there. You can buy at least 8 items of clothing, if you can't get that much, well you're getting ripped off. I bought about 8 items of clothing for about $400 Chinese money. Basically, that's $50 (American money) for 8 items of clothing, now that's really cheap! Sometimes, I can't even get two shirts for 50 bucks here and let's not get into buying jeans and such.

Uh... anyway, yes, the karaokae hotel. That was fun. The four of us sang songs and such. It was nice and it was the first time my mom said I'd sung well. She always criticize my singing, I wasn't sure she really meant that I sung well. Then we went to a bar. Yeah, that's right, we went to a bar. Let me tell you, if you hate smoking like I do, never ever go into a bar in China. Probably every man in the room was smoking and half the ladies were smoking too. It was horrible! But besides that, the music was good and they had some pretty sick entertainment. Something about sticking a needle through a guys touge and then *shudder* he's dick *shudder again* but then I asked my mom, and she said that it was already pierced otherwise it would hurt as hell when he did it. I guess that makes sense, but I didn't completely understand what was going on neither would I ever watch such a thing, so I don't know. I hope I'm wrong... cause... I mean... OUCH!

The day after that, my brother went with my second uncle to the beach and I went back to my first counsin and counsin-in-law. We just visited places. My mom bought me an accordian. Yeah, who knew? My last day in China was quite sad. I felt sad and really guilty about leaving my grandma. :( I hope I see her again soon.

When we got to Japan, it was about 6PM. We went out and the three of us shared a small bowl of noodles. Japanese noodles are the best! Not like those crappy ramen that you cook by yourself. That's crap. If you want to eat some good noodles, you go to Japan and order Yaki Soba, which is like fried noodles. Then later we went to eat Yaki Niku, which is basically fried meat... but not really fried, it's more like cooked on an open fire. That's also one of the best foods there, if any one of you ever go there, order the beef (I think it's karubi), that taste the best. The next day, we woke up at 6AM. We took the subway from Narita to Tokyo (which is the capital, in case you didn't know) where I saw my old house and old school and such, I saw my old teacher, Miko sensai. I actaully cried! I've never cried because I was overjoyed before, I don't think. But wow, I haven't seen her in so long and she hadn't changed a bit.

We bought a digital camera in Japan, so now I can take pictures of myself everyday... not that I'd want to or that you'd want to see my ugly face... but oh well.

Hmm... I don't think I forgot to say anything, but now I have a lot of crap I gotta do. So I better get started.



