#506 - Chemistry or love?

randomlayout / my designs




So I'll bet everyone's just dying to hear what's going on in my life. Ha, there's a joke. Well, just to let you know, I will be locking the diary soon, I'm not sure when yet, and those that request a password will be given it only after careful thought (yeah, right. I only say that to intemidate you. Did it work?) through email when I lock the diary.

Anyway, I'm reading this great book called The True Meaning of Cleavage. I wish I remember the author's name. Well, despite the title, it doesn't have much to do with cleavage (sorry guys!), it reminds me a lot of how Nancy and I broke apart though. It's a really good read, so if you're bored, try to pick it up, I'm sure most of you can relate to it, the girls anyway.

I've been feeling like crap lately, I won't get into why until I lock the diary, 'cause you'll be able to tell that I'm going to be a lot more personal. Today was just stupid crap though. I'm starting to like my English class more though. I took my first US History test yesterday, and I scored a 35 out of 47, which is a C, but Mr. Gordon says that's not bad. Well, I'm still going to try harder. French is cool, we're only reviewing. Je l'aime beacoup! 4th period is stupid. I dislike it. Well, I guess it's mostly cause I dislike Mr. Allen now... I like Andrea better.

I love my pre-calculus class. I think it's because it's easy going since it's not an honors class. That feels great because there's no pressure and we go at our own pace, and I always understand everything, and makes me feel smart. I love this class. I'm starting to not like chemistry as much. Maybe it's because Enrique's not there. I'm not sure, but the class has all of a sudden, it seems, gotten harder. We took the first test today, and I'm about 80% sure I got the first problem wrong, but other than that I think I did okay. I have to remember my percent yields, percent compositions, and some stoichiometry though. Otherwise I'll fail these types of questions on the AP test. Better start memorizing my polyatomic ions too. Speaking of chemistry. A thought came to my head today: which is harder to understand - chemistry or love? That's a really tough question in it's own way.

So yeah, sorry if I bored anyone, but hey, it's my diary. I've been just feeling like crap lately. This feeling is very familiar to the one in my freshman year. It feels numb and I feel sad at the same time, but how can I feel anything if I feel numb? It's because my mind is numb, but my heart is sad. *sigh*

Well, I'm off to read some more. I wonder if anyone else out there likes to read on a Friday night. Just call me a dork. I don't really care.



