#523 - I want to sleep

randomlayout / my designs




I'm so stressed all of a sudden with Stitch and everything. I'm still waiting for that review which has not come yet... damn it! I don't even want to deal with any of this crap anymore. Argg... everything is just pissing me off! I wanted to join in on the template challenge this month, but I guess I'm not going to because it's due in an hour and I haven't even started the template, oh well whatever. I'll try for next month's.

Right now, I still need to finish some homework and take a shower. I'm going to be cranky tomorrow morning, I know it. I wish I could go to sleep early, 'cause I know how much I'm going to hate it tomorrow morning when I wake up and go "UGH! I want to sleep!" Which brings me to my new template. I still liked the old one, but I don't know, it just doesn't fit my mood right, but if anyone wants to use it, it's up for grabs at randomlayout, or click here! Stacey, Nate? ::wink:: ::wink:: lol. JK. The image is hosted, so if anyone liked it, feel free. Hmm...

I don't know, I was feeling good Friday, but now all of a sudden I feel cranky. I didn't get to talk to Jeff this weekend, which is just as well. How ironic that he didn't call me this weekened of all weekends. Ugh. Just whatever. I hate everything that's happening around me. And I know this is just another one of my mood swings, so Stacey, no need to comment on about how I should feel better...

Eh... anyway, I better go finish my homework or something. I'm sure there was a point to this entry, but I forgot it all, oh well. So what else is new? Anyway, I'm off now, so have a good nigh everyone. And I'll talk to you later. The only good thing about any of this is that September is finally going to be over! Thank goodness!



