#525 - Back to School Night... UGH!

randomlayout / my designs




Okay, I guess I overreacted because Jeff emailed me back today. Now I feel bad...

Well, so far today has been okay, but I need to redo my English project and guess what? Back to School Night at my school is today! WOW! OH JOY! Of all the days, they had to pick today! Jeez! So, at least the only other homework I have is French and that won't take long.

Today, I was thinking about how wrong it is that some teachers give so much homework, and others don't give so much. And plus, usually the classes you fall asleep in are the ones that don't really give you that much homework. Isn't that kind of wrong? But unfortunately, that's just the way it works. I feel asleep in History and French class today, which are the two classes that hardly ever give homework. It sucks, it really does, but it's not our fault our lives are so packed from working and practice and homework and all our other crap.

Hmm... anyway, I better get started on my French homework, because I got band practicee in 30 minutes. Have a good night everyone, while, I will be doing my homework till like 1AM at night. Oh and did I mention... orchestra practice tomorrow at 7AM? Ugh. I guess it could be worse.



