#547 - Events of last night

randomlayout / my designs




I went through my college list today and I have like 30-40... I don't think I'll ever narrow it down. Like, for example, if I saw UC Santa Barbra, I don't really want to go there so I'll think, "cross this off my list" But I stop myself because I think, but wait, you don't even know anything about this school. Shouldn't you just check it out first? So I'm stuck with the same list I started with and since almost every school offers the major I want, it makes it even harder!

PSAT was okay. I think I did alright. I skipped 2 questions on section 1 verbal, 2 questions on section 2 math, 6 questions on section 3 verbal, and I didn't get to the last problem on section 4 math, and I answered all on writing skills portion. I think this is okay, compared to other people. I'd rather take my time and get the right answers than rush through it and get lots of stuff wrong, 'cause a lot of people seemed to finish before the time was up. I'm baffled by this. I mean 25 minutes each section?! Why not 30?! But anyway, I hope I got at least a 60 section.

Afterwards, Stephen poked me some more... I think my shoulders are starting to get bruised... Eh... I think I might like him... gosh, I hate this... I'm supposed to be away from guys and stuff...

OH! Speaking of guys, I had this very interesting conversation with Kevin yesterday at Big's after the game. He said he thinks about who likes him. This thought is really funny to me because I don't think Kevin's the type of person to think about that kind of stuff. Kevin's a totally weird guy and really unpredictable. He thinks that Jackie likes him, because they're always flirting. But Jackie's recently started to flirt with Josh now... so that kind of makes me wonder... Kevin also went on about how getting with Jackie would be bad for his image and stuff... and I'm just sitting there like, do all guys think about this kind of stuff?!

The only time I ever think about if someone likes me is if I get the feeling someone likes me. And I'm not that bright, so I usually can't tell. I've never thought about the image, but I have thought about what it would be like and if our personality and if like our overall appearance would "fit" if you know what I mean, but the word image just make it seem as if you care what other people think of you...

Chrissile was crying yesterday after the game because she was moving. I felt so bad for her, Vernabeth, and Marvi. They were all crying and so sad and stuff, and she was moving 30 minutes away to somewhere I've never heard of. When I moved from West Covina, I never cried, even though I knew I wouldn't see my best friend so much anymore... I wonder if I cried when I moved from Japan. I wonder if Yui-chan cried...

Anyway, this concludes my thoughts. I'll probably be updating the cast and the slang page because I have been using a lot of code names lately...



