#573 - Bye Mike...

randomlayout / my designs




I can only imagine your surprise when you realized that I hadn't written in diaryland yesterday. Could it be that Anna actually found something better to do?!

Well, Mike unexpectedly came over yesterday at around 7pm, while I was watching thee You've Got Mail movie. Which is an okay movie, it's better than Sleepless in Seattle, but that's just my opinion, but You've Got Mail happened differently than I was lead to believe.

So anyway, yeah, Mike comes over and we end up playing SSBM until 11pm. Yeah, I know we're video game freaks. Give me a break. He beat me most of the time, though I did also beat him a few times. It was just a lot of fun. We also talked a little. He told me he got this ring for Cynthia for their 7 month anniversary this Saturday. I'm so happy for both of them. I just wonder how they can do it. 3 months apart. Oh yeah, I also found out that Mike's not going back to San Diego, he's going to Florida! He doesn't know when he's coming back either. I wonder how they do it... being apart and now knowing how long.

I've also come to realize that I really like Mike a lot better as a friend than anything else. I can see that he still really considers me as a really close friend. And it's not that I thought that we weren't close friends or anything, but it felt surprising when he said that I was on his top 5 list. I hadn't realize how highly he had begun to think of me. I'm really glad that he can see me as a person that's always gonna be there for him. I mean, it's kind of like the saying, "relationship come and go, but friends are forever". I'm not saying that it looks like Cynthia and Mike is gonna break up ('cause it doesn't look like that's gonna happen ^_^), but it's just that friends are forever, that kind of thing.

I saw Mike again today after school. I think this will be the last time I see him for awhile. I'll really miss him... hmm, you know he had this weird smell last night. I'm not sure if he was wearing something new or if he'd always smelled like that, but I don't know it was really strong. Chris used to have a smell... but Chris's smell was natural, I'm pretty sure...

Hmmm... I have not much else to say, I'm really going to miss Mike. He said he'd write me and I also gave him my phone number, so I hope I'll hear from him again real soon.

Well, I better go now. I want to do something else now. Bye everyone.



